4 Signs of Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene can have terrible effects on your self-confidence, and more importantly, it could result in other problems somewhere else in your body. Look out for these warning signs of poor oral hygiene. 

Bad Breath

It is incredibly off-putting when you are talking to someone and their breath has an unsavory odor. It could be a result of something they ate earlier in the day or a poor diet. It could be a sign of gingivitis; this a disease that affects the gums and is caused by the bacteria present in the plaque on your teeth. If you have signs of gingivitis, get it treated quickly before it develops into the more serious periodontal disease. This can cause loss of teeth. 

Bad breath might not be a result of gum disease, however. It could be that you don’t clean your teeth or dentures regularly. Ensure that you are cleaning your teeth twice a day and flossing to avoid bad breath and potential diseases. 

Bleeding Gums

If your gums bleed or are sore and swollen when you brush, this could also be a sign of gingivitis. Do not ignore these signs and make an appointment with your dentist immediately. As mentioned above, this disease can develop into something far more serious. Irritated gums could also be a result of brushing your teeth too hard, which is harsh on the soft tissue your gums are made of. You should first always check in with your dentist first, but it may be a case that you need to brush more lightly in the future. 

Discolored Teeth 

Teeth naturally lose their whiteness as we age, the enamel wears down and begins to show the dentin. This is the layer beneath which is yellower in color. Different foods will stain our teeth, too, having an effect on their color. However, if you notice it is a rather drastic change in the color of your teeth, it could be a sign of bad oral hygiene. Particularly if any of them turn black, as that is a sign they are rotting. Usually, this will be in extreme circumstances, therefore, you should have had earlier signs of poor oral health. No matter what the situation, get an appointment with your dentist to help treat the issue and stop further development. 


Sensitive teeth could be an indication that something is wrong. It is caused by the thinning of the enamel of the tooth, which exposes the layer underneath closer to the nerve. Examples of the way pain can be caused include: 

  • Grinding your teeth
  • Eating acidic foods 
  • Brushing too hard 

More severe pain, either continuously or when eating, can be a sign of cavities. If this pain is persistent, you will need the assistance of your dentist as you may need a filling or tooth removed. 

There is never a good excuse for bad oral hygiene when it is so easy to maintain. For further advice on how you can do this or for any concerns you may have, speak to your dentist. 

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