Memes are culturally relevant content that will help you to build positive engagement with your audience. However, memes are effective only when they’re done right. Meme culture is spreading rapidly on social media platforms and brands are focusing on creating high-quality memes. Relevant and punctual memes have great chances to go viral.
Additionally, it will spread the image and voice of your brand. One of the greatest reasons memes such as Ugandan Knuckles have gained popularity is because they are effective on multiple platforms. Once a meme becomes viral, it can quickly spread from Facebook to Instagram. Apart from that, brands that use memes wisely will be able to establish an understanding with their audience.
Hence, they’ll be able to create relevant as well as funny memes. However, messing up with the meme is very embarrassing but if you create quality content, the rewards are great. In this article, we will discuss the top 4 meme tips that will help you to enhance your brand.
Don’t Hesitate to Take a Risk
The success of memes depends on their anti-establishment and subversive feel. Remember that corporate content can fail to gain popularity amongst younger audiences. Best memes poke fun at a particular situation, so you might face risks exposing the funnier and casual side of your business.
Think how your brand’s voice would seem while representing a meme. A funnier step of your polished and serious brand voice will be a fun surprise for younger audiences. Additionally, brands that share successful memes often have a tone that feels like someone else has taken over their social media accounts without any approval from the manager.
Target Your Existing Audience
Do you know why many meme campaigns fail while trying to attract new audiences? It is because they neglect to look at the people who are already following the brand. Look through your audiences and notice the content your existing followers are sharing. This way you’ll be able to know their thoughts about a meme. They already love your brand and you need to attract younger audiences like them.
However, if you want to achieve that, you need to target your existing audiences. If you’re facing problems engaging with Gen Z audiences, make sure you might a Gen Z influencer who will help you to create relevant content.
Be Consistent
Unlike other content, memes are evergreen. So, their role might be different from other social media marketing strategies. If you share memes once a week, you might realize the meme has already become outdated.
The best meme strategy is to be consistent and upload content spontaneously. When you notice an opportunity or a new meme to boost engagement with your audiences, seize the opportunity as soon as you can. If you’re concerned about a potential backlash, consider visiting Meme Scoutto test the response.
Make Sure You Understand the Joke
One of the best benefits of memes is showing that you understand the joke. But if the context is incorrect, your brand can miss the potential meaning of the meme.
If you’re following traditional memes, make sure you understand the meaning first as an inappropriate meme might destroy your brand’s image. Additionally, try to follow other creators if you’re considering using newer meme trends. As per Shane Barker, it’s wise to follow the meme trends on social media platforms. This way you can confirm that your interpretation is correct.
These are the 4 meme tips you should keep in mind to enhance your brand. Remember that memes are one the greatest ways to add variety and spice to your social media platforms. Implementing meme strategy with your existing marketing strategy is time-consuming, but this will help your audiences to find humor in your brand’s voice. Brands with successful memes will have a huge opportunity of going viral and attracting new audiences.