5 Tips for Rebooting Your Sex Life This Spring

If you’re like most people, the words “spring cleaning” probably immediately make you think of mops, vacuum cleaners, and laundry detergent – not exactly the sexiest things. But the fact of the matter is a nice, clean start is often precisely what a person’s sex life needs once it’s finally time to say goodbye to thick sweaters and chilly winter nights for another year. 

So, in other words, yes, you absolutely can spring clean your sex life. And furthermore, you should, especially if you’re serious about keeping things fabulous between the sheets. Here are some great ideas to get you started.

Give your bedroom a makeover. 

If you haven’t already said goodbye to your electric blankets and flannel sheets for the winter, you’re sure to be doing it soon. Consider keeping your that next date night in mind as you reset your bedroom with the warmer spring and summer months in mind. Choose silky or satiny sheets in a pretty, inviting color that makes the idea of staying in bed extra appealing.

Consider moving family photos and similar items away from the bed area to avoid killing the mood when it’s sexy time. And bring in some lush greenery and scented candles in heady, appealing scents, as well. Sex at its best is a multisensory experience, so it’s always a good idea to keep all five senses in mind. 

Make an appointment for a physical.

Healthy bodies and minds lead to great sex, whether you’re with a partner or flying solo. So consider that an extra incentive to make an appointment for that physical you keep putting off. Plus, keeping up with your annual checkups means better peace of mind overall – also good for your sex life.

And if you aren’t already exercising regularly, make this the year you start. Regular workouts improve your entire quality of life, in and out of the bedroom, by making you stronger, improving flexibility, and building stamina. Not a fan of the gym or working out indoors, in general? Lace up your jogging shoes, go for a walk, and appreciate springtime firsthand instead.

Upgrade your lingerie drawer.

It’s impossible to underestimate the effect sexy underwear can have on a person’s sex life. It’s not just about your partner’s potential reaction when they see you looking like a million bucks in a perfectly matched bra and pantie set, either. There’s something about putting on pretty underwear for yourself that makes you walk taller as you go about your day and get things done.

But if you’re like most people, you’re not as diligent as you should be about regularly going through your underwear collection. So make this spring the season you finally revamp your lingerie drawer. Get rid of anything old, tattered, ill-fitting, or that plain no longer suits you. Then replace it with some stylish new things you honestly can’t wait to wear.

Redo your landscaping.

And no, in case there’s any doubt, we’re definitely not talking about the bushes around the front of your house. Part of the beauty of winter is getting to take it a little easy in the grooming department for a while. That’s when it’s not as big a deal if your legs and bikini area aren’t perfectly shaved at all times. But part of the beauty of spring is enjoying the feeling of getting back into the swing of things.

So why not do something different downstairs this spring, just to freshen things up? Do you usually rock a full bush but wonder what it would be like to get a full Brazilian for a change instead? Do it. Or maybe you’re typically pretty clean-shaven but feel like growing things in for a while. Now’s the time to go for it!

Give your toy box a good once-over, too.

When was the last time you really went through your sex toy drawer or pleasure chest and made sure everything was as it should be? If it’s been a while, there’s no time like the present to get busy. So go through your toys and inspect each one for damage or integrity issues. Get rid of anything that’s broken, showing its age, or just plain not something that interests you anymore. 

Then treat yourself to some fun new replacements. Is there something in particular that you’ve had your eye on? Hook yourself up this spring and start the season off with a bang. Have you wanted to try some new things or add a little variety to your collection? Sign up for a sexy subscription box service for a fun way to explore some new territory. 

There’s no time like spring to make a fresh start, and there’s no reason why your sex life should be left out of the mix. So start your sexy spring cleaning adventure today! You’ll be glad you did.

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