Leading a healthy life means getting screened regularly—physicals, cholesterol tests, and fitness evaluations, for example. If you’re a man past a certain age or with certain risk conditions, that also means getting a prostate cancer screening.
Of course, there are steps you can take, such as losing weight or minimizing the red meat you eat, in order to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. But you can also get regularly evaluated for prostate-specific antigen, or PSA. Those PSAs are a measurement of a protein produced by the prostate gland. Anything above 4.0 on the PSA test is considered abnormal, and may be a sign of increased risk for prostate cancer.
As with any screening, there are a range of opinions about prostate cancer screening. But in general, the more family history you have of prostate cancer, the earlier your screening recommendation. Use the details in this graphic to learn more about the risks of prostate cancer and when you should be getting regularly screened.
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