Advantages Of In-Ground Concrete Swimming Pools

In-ground concrete swimming pools are one of the oldest designs dating back to ancient civilizations. The pool has stood the test of time and remains the top choice for highly ranked hotels and lavish residential properties. In-ground pools come at a hefty price that is enough to ward off many interested buyers. However, a closer look at the benefits you enjoy from the pool reveals the true value of the installation. Here are some of the advantages that make in-ground swimming pools the go to choice for homes and residential spaces


There is no limit to how big your can build your concrete pool. The design can accommodate deep and extensive pools without compromise to the integrity. In-ground concrete pools are heavily reinforced to ensure they can sustain the weight of the water they hold. Moreover, the pool handles a lot of pressure exerted by soil on the walls. The structural integrity of the swimming pool allows construction to go deep and cover a large area. The only limitations to how big your in-ground concrete pool can be is space and money.

Design Versatility 

In-ground concrete swimming pools offer a wide range of design options. You can customize the pool to any shape. Regular shapes are easier to build but with the right team of professionals, you can customize unique shapes without compromise to the structural integrity. Aside from shape, you can also modify the depth to suit your preference. The pool also accommodates multilevel floor designs creating shallow and deep sections.

For the finishing, concrete swimming pools have three main options; plaster, aggregate and tile. 

Plaster is made from white cement, sand, marble aggregate and water. The plaster is applied to the concrete pool structure and levelled. Plaster is inexpensive and has a minimalistic appeal. The material can also be coloured. However, plaster is rough to touch and needs a lot of surface maintenance. The plaster can also stain, crack and etch if the chemistry of the pool water is incorrect.

Aggregate combines cement with pebbles, glass beads or quartz. The finish can either be polished or exposed. Compared to plaster, aggregate finishes last longer and have a softer feel. The only downside is the glass beads fade and discolour over time.

Tile finish is the most versatile and durable option. There are three main types of tiles; glass, porcelain and stone. The tiles are easy to clean and have a unique lustre that looks good in water. However, all these qualities come at a hefty price. Tile is the most expensive finish among the three options.

Additional Fittings

In-ground concrete pools can accommodate different fittings. It’s only an in-ground concrete pool that can have a fountain in its design without any structural compromise. A waterfall can also be fitted in the pool to enhance its aesthetic appeal. Moreover, the ingrouind design makes it easy to install light fixtures in and around the pool.  Another unique fittings that goes well with ingound concrete pools is a jacuzzi. A jacuzzi offers a great relaxation spot and other fittings like a TV screen and fireplace can be installed adjacent to it.


There is no question that an in-ground, concrete pool is the most durable swimming pool option. There are archeological sites with concrete pools that date back thousands of years. This is evidence of the strength of the design. Moreover, concrete pools handle repairs well. Any damage can be fixed and the pool will be restored to its original integrity. Maintenance costs for the pool are high, but no other swimming option matches the durability of an in-ground concrete pool.

Despite some of the drawbacks presented by in-ground concrete pools there is no debating that the advantages make it a worthwhile investment.

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