Best Hobbies That Make You Money

Best Hobbies That Make You Money

Saving money is important for everybody, and one of the best ways to do that is by having multiple sources of income. However, many people rely solely on their salary, and while you may make great money, having only one source of income will make saving more difficult. Luckily, many of us have hobbies, and if you don’t, you should start one. Not only are hobbies fun and relaxing, but they can also make you money. Yep, you read that right. Check out these best hobbies that make you money—you may be able to pick one of these up!


Dust off your old camera and start practicing again because photography is one of the best hobbies to make money. You could offer services as simple as professional headshots, or if you’re really good, you could start taking on wedding gigs. Some photographers earn more money from one wedding than they do in two weeks at their day jobs. So, yeah, there’s some serious money in photography.


Channel your inner Steinbeck, and start writing that book you’ve been meaning to get around to. Alternatively, maybe you don’t want to write a book, but you enjoy blogging—you could begin freelancing as a copywriter. There are plenty of websites that’ll help you find clients that need content on their websites. As long as you’re having fun, that’s all that matters. That’s the beauty of freelancing: You have the option of saying yes or no.


Do you have a green thumb? You could make some money with that skill, too! Consider renting out a booth at your local farmer’s market and selling your fruits and vegetables. Depending on how much you’re able to grow, you could be a supplier for one of your local restaurants that want fresh produce. In fact, if you can keep up with the demand, being a restaurant’s supplier could allow you to make tons of money.

Pet sitting

Maybe you love playing with dogs and cats. Well, people need someone to walk their dogs while they’re working. Of course, the COVID-19 outbreak makes things a little awkward. However, when we do get through this, people will begin going back to work and need a dog walker. Plus, with so many people stuck inside now, they might be taking more vacations later this year and will need someone to come by and feed the pets. In other words, you make money by playing with pets—win-win!


We’ve all seen people with trucks full scrap metal, and you probably thought, “those people are crazy.” However, they’re not crazy at all because you can make some good money by scrapping metal. If you can get your hands on some copper wire, you’ll be in really good shape because copper is valuable in the scrapping market. Just make sure you know how to maximize scrap metal profits.

While these are some of the best hobbies that make you money, there are several more hobbies that are total money-makers. Do your fair share of research, and you just might surprise yourself with alternative ways you can make some money.

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