Best Ways To Deal With Office Allergies at Work

It seems like an increasing number of people are dealing with allergies daily. This could be related to a greater sensitivity or simply that the medical profession is better at identifying and diagnosing these issues today. 

Whatever the reason it is imperative that all workplaces take steps to reduce and deal with office allergies. Fortunately, there are plenty of things you, and your employees can do to minimize allergies.

Install Air Conditioning

One of the biggest allergy issues is pollen and pollutants, these are generally worse in the summer when it’s hottest and flowers are pollinating.

To combat this you need to filter as much of the air coming into the building as possible. This is where industrial air conditioning units step in. These units have filters built into them to purify the air before it is cooled and pumped around the building.

In effect, an air conditioner will reduce the number of allergens while introducing fresh air and creating a comfortable working environment. 

That’s a pretty good starting point. But, the right air conditioning unit can also be a heater in the winter months, continuing to remove contaminants from the air while warming the office for your workers.


It can help if your employees dust their desks regularly. However, this dust then goes into the air and can potentially carry dust mites and other allergens around the building. 

It’s a better idea to vacuum the office regularly with a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter built into it. This will remove the allergens and help to keep the office space clean.

Alongside this, you should have a regular cleaning program for all the nooks and crannies in the building, including the filters in ai conditioning units and other appliances.

Cleaning these effectively and regularly will help to prevent bacteria and mold growth, which can be detrimental to health, even to those without allergies.


Many offices have carpet because it’s quiet to move around on and helps the office to feel warm. However, it is also very effective at trapping dirt and debris which can increase the allergens in the office. 

It’s a good idea to remove the carpets and replace the flooring with something more appropriate, such as vinyl flooring. This is easy to keep clean, still soft to walk on, and doesn’t hold allergens. 

If a carpet is the only option then make sure it is deep-cleaned regularly.

Protective Gear

This may not always be relevant in the office but if your employees are using chemicals, irritants, or other products that are known to cause allergies, they should wear the appropriate safety equipment.

Your job is to make sure it’s available for them to use, it’s up to individual staff members to use it. 

You should also encourage any staff with allergies to get a medical opinion. They may think they know what triggers their allergies but this is not always right. A medical professional can help them to identify the issue, making it easier for you to take steps to reduce or prevent exposure.

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