Can You Post a Bail Application for Your Friend?

Seeing your friend go to jail on a false charge can be very stressful for you. The first thing which comes to your mind is how to ensure he/she gets justice.  It won’t be wrong for you to assume the police have made a serious mistake. After all, the evidence against him/her may be circumstantial and baseless. Other individuals may be guilty of the heinous crime.

Moreover, they may be roaming around scot-free. It may be enough to make your blood boil. Prominent legal experts say in such a situation you can’t afford to lose your self-control. You have got to remain calm. Only then can you take the best course of action to prove your friend’s innocence.

Is it possible for you to get your friend out of jail?

Legal professionals in America explain the judicial system in the country is impartial. The judge will only sentence a person to jail for committing a crime under certain circumstances.  There needs to be compelling evidence against individual prove his/her involvement beyond any reasonable doubt.  You should always keep this fact in mind. The first step you need to take is to find out on charge the police are holding your friend. You can obtain this information from desk sergeant in the station where he/she is being held. It is prudent on your part to meet this official in person. It is better than speaking to him/her over the telephone. Your objective is to get your friend’s booking details. Then you got to appear for his/her preliminary hearing. Only then can you apply for his/her bail. For this, you got to take the following three important steps:

  1. Determine your friend’s bail

Columbus bail bonding Castle specialists say that you got first to determine your friend’s bail. The judge generally fixes this sum of money during the preliminary hearing. You need to know whether you can afford it. Only then can you give the cash to the court clerk.

In some cases, you may have to countersign a signature bond. This is minor offenses. In this case, your friend is set free on one condition after signing the document. He/she needs to appear before the jury during the duration of his/her trial. If he/she fails to do so, it can have dire consequences.

  1. Signing a property bond

The judge presiding over your friend’s case may not accept a cash bond for his/her bail. In such a case, he/she may have to pledge one of his/her real estate assets as security. For this, he/she will have to sign a property bond. You may have to be a signatory to this agreement.

  1. Seeking the help of professionals

The process of obtaining bail is lengthy and complex. It is prudent on your part to hire the services of experts specializing in this field. Only then can you get the kind of results you are looking for. However, the professionals you choose need to have a good reputation in the market. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain.

Watching your friend go to jail for no apparent reason can come as shook for you. Fortunately, you can bail him/her out. This gives him/her to prove his/her innocence. All you need to do is follow the above three important steps to achieve your goal.

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