Carnegie Library Hosts Baby Book Shower on May 22

Expectant parents, caregivers and their babies celebrate early learning

On Monday, May 22, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh in Oakland will be bustling with the sound of cooing, giggling babies and young toddlers as it hosts a Baby Book Shower to celebrate the release of this year’s Best Books for Babies list. Expectant parents, new parents, caregivers and babies ages birth to 18 months are invited for songs, cake and games as well as the chance to explore the many enrichment opportunities woven throughout each book selection.

Created by a panel of local librarians and child development experts, Best Books for Babies is a nationally recognized guide that assists parents, teachers and caregivers in selecting quality materials to share with babies ages birth to 18 months. Reading to babies enables them to learn the basic sounds and concepts that serve as the building blocks for cognitive development.

For the past 17 years, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh has organized an esteemed committee to narrow down nominations for the Best Books for Babies list in collaboration with two leading advocates for early childhood education – The Fred Rogers Company and the Pittsburgh Association for the Education of Young Children. The complete list of the top 10 Best Books for Babies can be accessed on the Library’s website.

For more information on the Baby Book Shower at the CLP main branch, please call 412-622-3122 or email

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