Cold Weather Tips and Tricks To Stay Toasty and Warm

Cold Weather Tips and Tricks To Stay Toasty and Warm

As Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin writes, “Nothing burns like the cold.” The colder seasons of the year can be oh-so-delightful—yet fairly frightful, with the blast of cold chill in the air. Regardless of how long you’ve lived in an area that experiences the cold, you can never quite get used to the initial burning feeling.

Staying warm can be a challenge. Nevertheless, the task is just a matter of smart temperature management in your living spaces and for your body. All you need are the right tactics and strategies. Let’s take a closer look at some top cold weather tips and tricks to stay toasty and warm.

Layer It Up: Logical Fashion Sense

Yes, layering clothes to keep comfortable is common sense. All the while, you should apply this principle whether you’re indoors or outdoors. Knowledge of proper layering techniques helps you stay warm while looking stylishly cool as well as make the absolute most out of your cold-weather clothing. The key is to maintain your core body heat—three layers is typically a good rule of thumb. An inner base layer of synthetic fibers absorbs body moisture; a weightier middle layer serves as breathable insulation; and an outer shell layer delivers a protective barrier against seasonal elements.

The best practice is to adjust outer-layer apparel for your intended purposes. Don’t forget about hats and socks, even if you’re inside.

Anticipate: Lay the Groundwork for a Cozy Home

Winterizing your home’s exterior and interior is a leading cold-weather tip and trick to stay toasty and warm. Fortunately, you still have time to protect and prepare your living spaces for the brisk season that lies ahead.

If you don’t want to excessively turn up the heat and raise your utility bills, evaluating your abode’s strengths and weaknesses is essential. You can prep for an energy assessment, which will provide a clear picture of your home’s efficiency. Air sealing, insulation, and weather-proofing windows and doors are integral for a comfy, energy-efficient residence.

Consume Food and Drinks Scientifically Proven To Warm You Up

Eating a well-balanced diet year-round is the cornerstone of sickness prevention. This remains especially true at this time of year. Whatever your seasonal inclination is, consuming hot foods and beverages is a popular pastime during colder intervals. Indulging in the right foods revs up your metabolism and helps you stay toasty. As a matter of fact, scientists have uncovered specific menu items with proven efficiency to warm you up. Iced coffee, peanuts, fresh ginger, and brown rice are a few examples that top the list. If none of these are to your fancy, you can still reach for the traditional mug of tea or delectable bowl of soup. Ward off the chills with your favorite cooking or baking recipes for a difference you can truly feel.

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