Creative Projects To Use Up Leftover Paint

Creative Projects To Use Up Leftover Paint

When the cleanup is done after painting the walls in your home, you may find you’ve got a can and a half of paint remaining. Save some for touch ups, but use the rest to try one of these creative projects to use up leftover paint.

Paint Your Front Door

When was the last time you really thought about how the outside of your front door looks? You recently decided your interior needed a makeover, so use leftover paints to do the same for the “face” of your home. A brighter color, or even a combination of colors, really adds flair to your entryway.

Add Color To the Back of Shelving

The inside of your bookcases can function as an accent wall, without having to repaint the wall itself. Just use leftover paint as an accent color to paint the back panel of a bookcase. It will make your books and curios pop, creating interest especially if the room is otherwise monochrome.

Paint the Inside Panels of Dresser Drawers

If it bugs you when your kids or your spouse leave dresser drawers hanging open, why not paint the inside panels of the drawers themselves? They’ll certainly be more noticeable! Use fun patterns or deep, contrasting colors. Your family may not close the drawers any more than they do now, but the open drawers will add color and whimsy to the room.

Paint a Floor or a Rug

Prep the surface and stencil a pattern on your wood or concrete floor to create a faux rug. Or simply add color with stripes or chevrons to jazz up the room. You can also transform a real rug with paint. Use tape to mark out your pattern and use a roller to apply the paint. Paint works best on flat weave or outdoor rugs or doormats.

Paint a Tabletop or a Chair

Bedside and accent tables could do with a pop of color on top. You could even add artistic flourishes like flowers or paisleys, if you’ve got an artist’s touch. Add some life to your kitchen or dining chairs with paint. You could do only the backs or legs if you have limited amount of paint leftover.

Taking on a creative project to use up leftover paint is a form of recycling. You won’t have to use multiple bags of kitty litter to absorb paint, and the paint won’t go to waste.

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