Eric Dalius Points out Why Freebies Matter So Much for Small-Scale Businesses

Giving away free stuff is similar to hitting the bonanza. When customers get a free sample at a departmental store or receive a free membership trial at a salon nearby, it is receiving something without paying anything. Then, why not use this strategy for your small business to promote your products? Eric Dalius explains why freebies work. It is because of the reciprocity principle. When you give away a free sample to your customers, they will purchase something from your store as a graceful gesture, thus ensuring sales and brand recognition. Here is why freebies matter so much for your small business: 

Eric J Dalius cites that freebies build customer trust

Gaining the trust of your customers is not easy, more so, if you are a startup or small business that just started operations. Then, your buyers are brand loyalists and if they like your products and its quality, they will buy from you. They will become your loyal customers once they know that your products are better than your competitors are and make their lives easier or solve their problems. 

Once you succeed to build customers’ trust and unless your business does something seriously wrong to weaken the trust, it won’t be shaken. Reputed businesses and entrepreneurs launch new products, distributes free samples, and do smart marketing. You need to pay heed to what your customers want including addressing their concerns. Make sure you let your buyers understand that you are listening to their concerns and making amends. It will make your customers stick with your business and products. EJ Dalius believes that trust is maintained, this way. 

Freebies solve customer problems 

You can give away a free sample of your new sauce for your customers to try. They can use it to toss-up delicious pasta. Free samples are one of the best ways to pique audience interest. The free products are not only free but also solve a customer’s problems. 

Have you heard of Sam’s Club? Their warehouses let customers try out various food and beverages that otherwise have been ignored or not bought because customers thought that these foods will not taste that great after all. The shoppers are used to buying the same old stuff instead of trying something new. Therefore, giving away freebies or free samples is the best way to test your buyers and create a buzz around your new products. 

Word of mouth advertising 

All love to receive something free without paying a dime. You have nothing to lose if you give away a small bottle of pasta sauce free of cost. It is the best way to attract more customers and once they like your sauce, they will buy your product. Then, your stuff should have something different when it comes to taste to make people purchase after sampling the product. Once buyers like it, they will recommend this sauce to their family, acquaintances, and friends. Yes, word of mouth publicity. 


Now that you know why freebies matter for your business, use this strategy to attract new customers. It will help you boost sales and revenues. 

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