Factors To Consider When Installing an Outdoor LED Display

Factors To Consider When Installing an Outdoor LED Display

An outdoor LED display is a worthwhile investment that can improve traffic, sales, and brand recognition for your business. As with any investment, though, there are a few details and options to go over before you move forward with implementation. Make sure you’re getting the most out of your digital signage solution by reviewing these factors to consider when installing an outdoor LED display.

Location, Traffic, and the Type of Messages You Will Display

Outdoor displays only work if people can see them. A high-traffic location with great visibility is the key to making sure plenty of people in your area notice your sign.

More importantly, you have to consider what audience will read your message. Will viewers speed by on the highway, unable to take more than a quick glance at your sign? Or will they sit in traffic or slow down for local stoplights, giving them a few extra seconds to process your advertisement? These questions help you create content that your specific audience can easily read and absorb. Understanding how your audience will interact with the content makes your advertisements—and your overall display—more effective.

Your Sign’s Lifespan

You don’t want to invest in a signage solution that will only last a few years. Luckily, the average lifespan of an outdoor LED sign is pretty long, especially if you use it wisely. You can extend its lifespan by adjusting brightness levels to the weather or time of day, only displaying content during business hours, and following other smart display tips.

Content Management

Content management is a crucial factor to consider when installing an outdoor LED display. Once your sign is in place, who will design your content? How will you schedule and upload that content? Don’t let these details fall by the wayside. Make sure you have an efficient, easy-to-use content management system to go with your new LED display. An effective CMS gives you a platform to create, schedule, and manage content with as little hassle as possible.

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