A smile is a beautiful curve that can set right everything. Wearing a smile on your face is the best way to treat your stress and greet your youthfulness. The secret behind a youthful look lies in a beautiful smile. Beyond being superficial, a smile is also an index of your oral health. Even a smile can cry if it suffers the ill effects of a dental plaque. Beyond just the shiny whites, the secret of a beautiful smile dives deeper anchoring the health of your teeth and gums. So, to smile beautifully, we will have to clean off dental plaque and preserve your dental health.
We hear a lot about Dental Plaque. Do you know what it is?
Eating or drinking fluids is an ongoing process. So, whenever we do it, the combo of saliva with these particles forms a sticky film or plaque on the teeth. This has to be removed then and there so that oral bacteria don’t dwell on them. Regular brushing and flossing facilitate plaque removal. If ignored or left unnoticed, dental plaque can progress into tooth decay, tartar build-up, and associated gum disease. Dental experts can help in tracing and treating your plaque. The harmful consequences of untreated plaque are:
Tartar build-up
Hiding between teeth and underneath the gum line, plaque keeps accumulating, if left unnoticed. Though plaque formation is a routine, its accumulation beyond a couple of days is detrimental. After the aforementioned period, plaque starts to harden and it calcifies posing hindrance for removal with a toothbrush or floss. Tartar symbolizes a hardened plaque. Tartar causes gum irritation and inflammation, which further worsens into gum disease.
Gum disease
Healthy gums hold your teeth intact without space. Hence when we bite and chew food, the particles do not stick to your teeth or in between them. Gum tissue or gingivae extending from the crown of teeth to the root where food particles get deposited. The meeting-point of teeth and gums is a favorite venue for plaque. The acids produced by plaque-resident bacteria harm your dental enamel leading to tooth decay and gum damage. This, in turn, leads to different types of gum diseases, some of which are mentioned below;
- Gingivitis: If the routine plaque is left unclean, then its occupancy with oral bacteria can provoke your self-defense in the form of inflammation. Inflamed gums can bleed when subjected to physical abrasion like brushing. Spongy bleeding gums are defined as gingivitis. Experts from MillerSmilesCT.com suggest that professional guidance and follow-up with good oral hygiene can reverse gingivitis. But remember untreated gingivitis advances into periodontitis, which is severe gum disease.
- Periodontitis: In periodontitis, the bacterial infection is so high that it is capable of causing the gums and teeth-supporting bones to break down. A further severity is when gums recede, pulling back from the teeth, bringing down their firmness and support. This can invariably lead to tooth loss.
Sensitivity and bad breath
Your gums shield the teeth in such a way that the dental neck is not exposed and there is no vulnerability to external stimuli causing root sensitivity. Plaque decreases the firmness of gums causing sensitivity. Plaque-resident bacteria produce toxins that cause bad breath.
Ways to prevent Dental Plaque
- Brush the right way – Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste. Well, brushing your teeth the right way goes a long way in maintaining oral health. Work on gentle strokes from the apex of the gum till the end of the tooth ensuring removal of residual food particles. Replace your toothbrush every three months so that the bristles are strong enough to wipe away damaging food particles.
- Regularly use floss or mouthwash – Using floss or mouthwash soon after you wake-up and right before bedtime gives you additional benefits as it cleanses the areas of mouth cavity where even toothbrushes cannot reach.
- Go for periodic oral health check-ups – It is also possible for a dental plaque to remain unnoticed for some time. Hence make sure you consult a dentist periodically, say once in six months or a year for assessing your oral health.
- Eat healthy food – Food contains simple sugars and starchy carbohydrates which are not only your favorite but also plaque organisms’ favorite. Classic examples are candy and soft drinks. They eat these simple sugars and excrete enamel-damaging acids. So make sure you prefer the sweet taste of teeth-friendly fruits rather than plaque-causing simple sugars.
A beautiful smile is an asset. But it’s worth degrades if your oral health is poor. Make sure you ward off dental plaque as it is harmful to your oral health. The earlier the plaque is treated, the better.