Nationally renowned fitness expert reveals the 2019 fitness trends that are helping real people get results

Forget the trendy (and confusing!) diets, workouts and pricey gadgets.
Bite-sized workouts and other easy strategies are fun, effective and affordable.  

Stop feeling miserable because you’ve already broken your new year’s resolution to get healthier. Just as you did last year and the year before that. You’re not alone. Most people making resolutions fail because they pin their hopes on unrealistic goals or plans that may sound good on the surface but are difficult to put into practice. It’s not too late to make this year different.

“Most people fail at their wellness resolutions because there are too many options. High fat or no fat? Dairy or no dairy? Low intensity or high intensity workouts? Weights or bodyweight workout? “People are confused and overwhelmed!” commiserates Wendie Pett, renowned fitness expert, licensed naturopath and host of the nationally syndicated TV show, Visibly Fit. “Can you just walk? Of course you can! But heck, some people have trouble just getting from the couch to hitting the pavement. You’ve got to start somewhere!”

Pett says you were born with everything you need to be healthy, whole and complete. “You’re never too old or too far gone to start changing your health today. You just need the right tools and to learn how to use them.”

2019 can be different

“I’m on a mission to teach you how to keep it simple, use technology to your advantage and get rid of the self-sabotaging and negative self-image that’s stopping you from getting to the next level of living,” says Pett, who has coached thousands to achieve better wellness. She’s loving the following 2019 fitness and wellness trends because she knows from experience that they will deliver results.

  • Changing your mindset. “This year, the focus is on using a holistic mind/body/spirit approach to move past brokenness from past hurts. It’s amazing how the mind can lock us into complacency and stop you from seeing yourself for who you really are and deserve to be. Plus, negative thoughts can trigger inflammatory responses in the body. The first step is to forgive yourself for not taking better care of your body. Then you can move out of feeling like a failure and into a better space. We can’t be productive otherwise.”
  • Fixing your sleep issues. “Poor sleep is the new smoking. Lack of sleep is linked to stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart and kidney disease. It’s linked to depression, anxiety, inflammation, compromises your immune system and affects cognitive skills. Dim the lights in your home early in the evening so that the hormone, melatonin, will be released. Melatonin helps regulate your sleep schedule. Get better rest and reduce the stress of the day by deep breathing.”
  • Shorter workouts using your body as your gym. “Movement heals. But we’re a 140-character society. We want the same for our workouts. The 2019 trend is also to spend less time and money at the gym, which is the basis of the Visibly Fit lifestyle program. Just walking can reduce inflammation, clear your mind, build bone density, and improve balance and coordination. Or, use your body as your gym with what I call moving isometrics. These don’t put extra pressure on your joints and can even be done at the office while wearing high heels! Something as simple as 30- to 60-second punch outs can change your metabolism.

“In 2019, more people will also be sliding fitness into their already busy days rather than trying (and failing) to carve out a big chunk of time to work out. This way, it becomes a functional lifestyle not a chore. An easy way to start is with my 7 x 11 movements that can be done any time, anywhere. These daily exercise techniques can slim, sculpt and shape your body without ever needing equipment. It’s called 7 x 11 because you practice these seven steps twice daily: before 11 a.m. and again by 11. p.m.”

  • Thinking of food as medicine. “People are turning to whole foods and a plant-based lifestyle. They’re getting away from foods that have multiple ingredients and choosing foods that don’t need a food label because there’s just one ingredient. Greens are in! I’m a big fan of green drinks and having a salad at every meal. And in 2019, watch for drinking pure water to become even more trendy. An estimated 75 percent of Americans are chronically dehydrated and wonder why they are tired. Water also helps to detoxify the body which is essential because a toxic body is primed for disease.”  
  • Using technology to your advantage. “Apps make it easy to have a fitness program or a recipe at your fingertips. They support fitness on-the-go and reinforce consistency. Apps are so important in today’s world that I’ve made my Visibly Fit app free to everyone. In addition to workout videos, the app gives you discounted prices on such tools as my 7 x 11 exercise routines, easy access to my motivational blog, nutritious recipes and more.”
  • Accountability matters. “There are a lot of great wellness plans out there but they’re missing accountability. Most of us need an accountability coach to get to the next level of our health, relationships or other goals. It helps create sticky habits. For example, I run a VIP Club which is a tight-knit community of people who have gone through the Visibly Fit program and want to be part of a maintenance group. We have fun with workout challenges and video coaching calls. We support each other at any time, from anywhere. I also get fired up by the big breakthroughs I’ve seen through my Visibly Fit in 84 days challenge. I know it can happen! You can create new, healthier habits in just 12 weeks.”

Pett concludes, “These 2019 trends can help you live a life on purpose and for a purpose, and in your best health.” To start incorporating these 2019 fitness trends into your life, visit

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