Five Home Features that Boosts Property Value

A Property is one of the very few investments we will make in our lives that can increase in value over time. This is simply because areas grow and improve as they are developed. The highly competitive downtown areas spread out and business owners open up shop further away, and suddenly your neighborhood is a hip place to be, and properties sell for double what you paid for it. 

Just because this typically happens naturally over time, however, it does not mean that there are not ways you can directly work to improve the value of your home yourself. By investing in your property for your own comfort, you can actually make your property far more attractive on the market later on in life. 

Focusing on the right investments early on will allow you to recoup that initial investment, save massively through reduced ongoing costs, and of course will help you love your home that much more throughout the years. 

A Fully Integrated HVAC System 

A fully integrated HVAC system from is going to provide your entire home with the heating and cooling it needs throughout the year. It works with the framework of your property, instead of just being installed in your window or above your doors. When it comes to improving your property value, especially with the weather extremes that are going to become more frequent as the years go on, a custom HVAC system is one of the best investments you can make. 

A Finished Basement 

Finished basements are considerable draws to any property buyer because it effectively adds an entirely new floor to your property. You can go the extra mile and even convert it into an apartment so that you can start to rent it out to a tenant and earn rent back from now until you are ready to sell it. Even then, so long as the apartment underneath has its own entrance and exit, you can even keep that apartment and sell the home above. 

An Open Floor Plan 

Open floor plans are not just a fad, they are an enduring design ideal that many people who are looking for homes prefer to buy. They are simply easier to decorate and easier to live in. With modern insulation and materials, we do not need multiple doors to keep heat in and hold up our hours. Open up your floor plan and increase your living space now, so that you can boost your property value later. 

Improved Efficiency 

A good HVAC system is definitely a plus, particularly if you have it installed in an older home. The best way to follow up on that investment is to go through and properly insulate your property from attic to basement. Do this now, so that you can save every month on utilities and recoup the cost of your investment both in savings and in your home’s value boost. 

Improves Accessibility 

This tip ties in with open planning, but it goes so much further than that. Ensuring that the ways of access are easy to go into, that stairs are kept to a minimum, that even your shower is walk-in friendly will make your home perfect for longer. You can live in it even when your own needs advance, and you can also appeal to a higher number of buyers when you want to move. 

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