Many parents always get frightened when they feel their children are unsafe around the pool. Nevertheless, some are still making errors that risk their children’s safety when it comes to swimming. It can be hard for kids to learn something new and it also comes to school. Check out 123homework to get a helping hand with it. 

If you are not sure which mistakes you’re repeating and you want to keep your child from danger, consider these mistakes and create an excellent routine to fix it.

 • Leaving Your Kid Alone In Your Pool 

This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make; excusing yourself from your kid at the poolside. Do not be too convinced that the kid can’t get into a pool accident no matter how good a swimmer they are. Moreover, kids that know how to swim can get into danger of drowning. For instance, a child at the poolside can accidentally slip and fall on a pool deck, making the kid lose consciousness. Never leave your kids unattended for any reason. Also, do not leave them in a crowded pool without notifying an adult to help you monitor the kids and stick to them while they are in the water.

 • Leaving Your Kids Alone In Pool with the Lifeguard 

Lifeguards make sure they do their job satisfactorily.  However, sometimes, lifeguards are not available just because there is an overload of responsibilities. For instance, if three kids are hurt at the same time, the lifeguard has to attend to one first before another. Therefore, while attending to other cases, they may not notice your kid needing help. It is advisable to put your kids with a reliable friend. Most importantly, never take your eyes off them to make sure they are always safe.

 • Searching The House First When The Kid Is Missing 

Sometimes, most parents make this mistake when a child is missing. The first thing most parents do is to search the lawn and outdoors. When a child is missing, the first to do is go straight to the bathtubs, toilets, and poolside to search for them. Remember, drowning is very quiet and quick. As a result, make the poolside or bathtubs the first things to check if you can’t find the child near you.

 • Not Teaching Them How To Swim 

Most parents think there is no specific age for a child to swim. That’s not true. As soon as the kid clocks four, you can start teaching them how to swim. Aside from being a good recreation option, swimming knowledge can come in handy in dangerous situations. If you teach them how to swim, you will be more assured that their safety is certain.

 • Not Knowing CPR 

CPR is an essential skill that every human should have. It’s even more crucial for parents. Pool activity can be dangerous if it’s not well controlled and supervised. Therefore, it is essential to have a good knowledge of it. Go to a certified agency and acquire lessons from them. Consequently, you will be able to teach your kids in a way they will understand. This way, you’ll be confident that they can handle themselves in water.

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