How the Weather Affects Your Skin Complexion

How the Weather Affects Your Skin Complexion

Have you ever noticed how your winter skin feels and looks different than your spring skin? That’s because various weather conditions and temperatures can affect your skin uniquely! Here’s how the weather affects your skin complexion.

Hot Weather

When the weather is hot, your skin produces more oil than normal. This can cause your skin to go from dry to greasy in an instant, and we all know that greasy skin can lead to acne. To protect your skin from the scorching-hot temperatures, stay hydrated with oodles of water and switch to light skin-care products with SPF.

Cold Weather

Cold temperatures do the reverse of warm temperatures. Instead of making your skin oily, they make it super dry. This can make your skin look red and feel itchy.

You would think the lack of oil would mean fewer breakouts, but there’s no such thing as a respite from acne! When your skin is dry, dead skin cells accumulate more easily. These dead skin cells make their way into your pores and hair follicles, clogging them and resulting in bacteria growth. You can deal with winter skin by adding plenty of moisturizers to your beauty routine and by using exfoliators to remove dead skin cells.

Dry Weather

Now that we’ve taken a look at how the weather affects your skin complexion, let’s examine how the humidity affects it. Dry weather causes your skin to dry out, leading to dead skin cell buildup, which can clog your pores, make wrinkles more pronounced, and render most skin-care products ineffective. Using exfoliators will remove dead skin cells so that other products can penetrate deep into your pores.

Damp Weather

You may not be a fan of gloomy, overcast days. But your skin? Your skin loves them! Rainy weather keeps your skin hydrated. And since those dreary clouds block out the sun, you don’t have to worry about overexposure. To keep your skin healthy, don’t avoid the rain. Embrace it! Go umbrella-less on the next rainy day to let your skin soak in the moisture.

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