How to Deal With Withdrawal: 7 Ways to Get Through Your Symptoms

Are you going through withdrawal?

Congratulations. You are doing the most amazing thing for yourself. 

But it can sure feel like you’re not. Especially if you’re struggling with symptoms. Just know that you’re not alone. 

And knowing how to deal with withdrawal symptoms will help make this journey more manageable. Here are seven ways:

1. Medical Detox Program 

Going through a detox program is considered the best method for managing withdrawal – especially initially.

Drug withdrawal symptoms can be both physical and emotional. Without professional intervention and proper medical treatment, they can dangerous or fatal. This is particularly true with alcohol withdrawal and experiencing delirium tremens or DTs. 

Medical detox programs typically last 5-10 days and patients receive 24/7 supervision, emotional support, and medical management for withdrawal. 

2. Support Group

When you’re struggling with symptoms, it’s easy to feel as though you’re completely alone. 

Peer support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, are the best place to surround yourself with and be connected to people who are experiencing what you are.

More importantly, you’ll also be connected with those who have already gone through the withdrawal process and come through the other side. Being in this environment is incredibly encouraging.

Many in recovery say that meetings have saved their lives.

3. Stay Connected 

The likelihood of experiencing relapse is lessened if you stay connected with others. Stay in communication with healthy family members and loved ones. Healthy means not using.

Also, see a therapist or counselor regularly.

Externalizing your thoughts, emotions, and difficulties through talk is so much better than repressing them. 

Plus, through behavioral therapy, you’ll learn tools that will help you manage stress and modify your behavior to avoid the self-destructive patterns you’ve learned.

4. Eat Well

‘You are what you eat’ is an oversimplification. But diet does play a huge role in your healing and recovery.

When you’re initially going through withdrawal, your body is still struggling with the depleting effects of drugs and alcohol. 

So to restore healthy functioning, replenish your body with proteins, vitamins, and nutrients. To expedite healing, try to avoid caffeine, refined sugars, and processed food.

5. Drink Plenty of Water

In line with eating well, try to get in the habit of drinking water regularly.

Dehydration is common during withdrawal. And cravings are often your body telling you that it’s actually thirsty. 

By staying hydrated, you’ll feel fewer cravings and be less likely to relapse.

6. Consider Yoga

Withdrawal can induce muscle pain and tension. Yoga or any exercise that involves stretching will stimulate blood flow and circulation to the muscles.

In addition, yoga requires you to pay attention to your breath so you learn to become more aware and in tune with your body. Rather than reacting, you learn to respond to your body’s physical cues.  

7. Find Ways to Relax and Slow Down

Honor yourself for facing this difficult challenge.

If you’re able to, treat yourself to an occasional massage or a spa treatment. Celebrate your progress. Anything you can do to enhance relaxation will work to your advantage.

Now You Know How to Deal with Withdrawal

Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s easy. But knowing how to deal with withdrawal symptoms starts with knowing they’re temporary.

Just know you CAN get through this.

And for more great articles on healthy living, keep checking back with our blog!

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