How To Decrease Fall Allergy Symptoms

How To Decrease Fall Allergy Symptoms

The emergence of new allergens and new irritating allergy symptoms accompanies each new season. If you’re particularly sensitive to fall allergens such as ragweed pollen or particles from the falling leaves of certain trees, you may have a hard time getting into the autumnal spirit. However, you don’t have to spend the entire season sneezing and wheezing. You can take several measures to decrease your exposure to prominent autumnal allergy triggers. To learn how, consult this guide on how to decrease fall allergy symptoms.

Seal Off Any Cracks in Your Home

A great way to decrease fall allergy symptoms is to prevent outdoor allergens from getting into your home. To do so, it’s important to seal off any cracks or holes in your home that would allow allergens to sneak their way inside. Common areas in the home that serve as entranceways for fall allergens include gaps or openings around doors and windows. To seal off such entrances, consider installing weather stripping. That way, small particles such as pollen or dust mites will have a harder time filtering into your home.

Invest in a Quality Ventilation System

One of the most effective ways to reduce your exposure to fall allergy symptoms is to invest in a quality ventilation system. Regardless of how tightly sealed your home is, allergens will have an opportunity to enter your home whenever you enter or exit through the door. A quality ventilation system has numerous health benefits, as it quickly flushes out any allergens that sneak into your home rather than allowing them to settle inside. As a result, you’ll be able to breathe more easily without inhaling large quantities of fall allergens with every breath. 

Take Precautions When Spending Time Outside

If you enjoy the cool fall weather, it would be a shame to spend the entire season cooped up inside. Spending time outside increases your exposure to fall allergens such as pollen or other types of plant matter, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go out and enjoy the fresh air. However, unless you want to spend the following hours with swollen eyes and a runny nose, it’s important to take precautions.

When you’re spending time outside, consider wearing protective clothing such as long sleeves, pants, sunglasses, and a hat to keep allergens off your skin and out of your eyes. After you’re done spending time outside for the day, throw your clothes in the laundry and shower as soon as possible to get any lingering outdoor allergens off your skin and out of your hair to decrease your exposure. In addition, it’s also a good idea to check pollen levels in your area before deciding to spend the day outdoors. If levels are high, you may want to limit your outdoor activities for that day as much as possible.

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