How to Introduce Remote Working in Your Business

As a result of the coronavirus crisis, remote working has surged in popularity. Once a curiosity for people in exceptional circumstances, it looks like it is here to stay, with companies such as Facebook and Google looking to extend home office well into this year. Nonetheless, these are huge companies that are able to make and scale these decisions rather well. For smaller companies, shifting everyone from the office to working remotely can be a more difficult process. Thankfully for you, we have a host of recommendations available that can make remote working a success for you. Read our four crucial points below.  

Chat Messaging Software 

To scale up solutions together, it is essential that your company has some great chat messaging software installed so everyone can communicate and co-ordinate on the same projects. As a result of the pivot to remote working, chat messaging companies have skyrocketed in popularity. They are easy to install, with many of them running on web browsers, meaning that you don’t have to install any software. Ideally, they should be implemented in tandem with: 

File-Sharing Software 

The days of sending word documents over email is over. Now with cloud software, different people can work on the same project at the same time, meaning solutions to issues can be scaled and tackled much quicker. Whether it’s creating tables, memos or reports, with file sharing software you can have multiple people working all at once, making your business run as efficiently as possible. It’s recommended installing this alongside project management software so you can be completely aware who is working on what and when. These can also be installed with email notifications, so you will be told whenever someone has started working on a project and also if they have handed it back over to you. 

Remote Access VPN 

Sharing access to internal company files that are running on an office-based IP address can be rather difficult. This is especially true when you are working in a company that shares sensitive information that you don’t want to be compromised. That’s why it makes sense to install a remote access VPN system that allows to secure access to company files. At, you can find a wide host of VPN software that allows remote access for hundreds of employees, making sure that everyone is working safely and securely on the same page. 

Videoconferencing Software

Whether you hold a weekly briefing meeting, or are quickly working on solutions to office problems with a daily morning meeting, it is essential that you have some kind of videoconferencing software installed. By scheduling regular meetings with easy-to-access sign up, you can easily replicate the feel of an office, boosting morale in the process. After all, it’s important to still see the faces of your workers in order to see how they are getting on and feeling about certain issues. In tandem with project management, file sharing and chat messaging software, you will find that video conferencing is the essential glue that holds everything together. 

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