How to Keep Your HVAC Unit in Tip Top Condition

With proper care and maintenance, the average HVAC system should last between 15 – 25 years. Due to the fact that it is a pricey investment, you will probably be in search of ways in which to extend this lifespan as much as possible, as well as to avoid having to pay for costly repairs along the way. Here are a few tips on keeping your HVAC unit in pristine condition. 

Clean it regularly 

Dust and debris can build up quickly throughout an air conditioning unit, which is quite normal. The good news is that you can remove the majority of this build-up on your own. Focus on eliminating the dirt from the AC unit fins using a pliable soft-bristle brush and a gentle touch. If you have a unit that requires you to unscrew a metal box in order to access the fins, it is probably best to leave it to the experts. 

Even if you do manage to clean the fins yourself, it is always important to have your unit professionally cleaned and maintained at least once or twice a year. Experts will ensure that all aspects of the unit are cleaned, including the coils responsible for the airflow of the system. 

Watch out for mold

An AC unit that has a flow or float switch that is still operating as it should usually won’t be subject to issues with mold. However, if that float switch fails or starts to deteriorate over time, the unit will struggle to drain the accumulated water in its entirety, which can put it at risk of excess moisture, ultimately encouraging the growth of mold. Not only can this impact how the air conditioner works, but it can also affect your family’s health, particularly if anybody has asthma. 

HVAC maintenance specialists will always look in on the float switch when giving the unit some TLC. In the event that they notice something is amiss, they will quickly source the necessary fluid control products and fix the problem fast – just another reason why you shouldn’t skip your maintenance appointments! 

Focus on the filter 

The AC filter is another component that tends to get dirty rather quickly. Depending on the type of system, you will probably need to replace these filters every six months or so. Certain HVAC systems come with reusable filters that can be cleaned, but even these will need replacing at some point or another. Keep in mind that dirty, clogged filters can reduce the system’s energy efficiency by up to 15%!

Don’t forget about the condensate drain tube 

This tube tends to clog up with slime and can therefore make it difficult for the unit to control the moisture that it releases into the air. In order to unclog the tube and keep a handle on humidity levels inside the home, simply pass a stiff wire through the length of the drainage channels every few months or so to help the clogs pass on their own. 

Keep these tips in mind and your HVAC unit is sure to run like a dream for many years to come! 

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