How to Maintain Your Garage Door in Its Finest Shape

A garage door occupies 13-15% of your home’s overall square footage. 82% of Americans are known to take garage door maintenance for granted, leading to over 12,700 injuries every year. Not having the right tools and know-how on garage door maintenance may compromise the safety, security, and value of the Philadelphia households.

Pending repairs on your garage door may leave your home vulnerable and become an entry point for burglars. Professionals who deal with the installation and repair of garage doors PA can boost the lifespan of your investment by identifying issues like broken weather sealants, extension springs, or annoying grinding noises.

Here are some maintenance tips for your garage door.

Observe the Door In Operation

Grating and scraping sounds while opening the doors suggest problems with your automatic door opener. A well-tuned, well-maintained garage door is quiet during its motion and is devoid of the jerkiness.

A professional garage door maintenance service in PA ensures symmetrical placement of the pulleys, cables, and springs. Squeaky sections, worn out parts or hardware are identified, and corrective measures are applied.

Check the Rollers

Rollers present along the edge of your garage door must be periodically inspected and replaced every five to seven years. Nylon rollers, in particular, are known to deteriorate over time and hence need special attention. Checking for chips and cracks is one of the preventive maintenance steps you can consider. On the other hand, Steel rollers tend to have uneven wear if there is a tilt to the wheel.

It is dangerous to remove the bottom roller bracket during a repair because of a permanently attached, high tension cable. Hence, roller movement can cause the wire to whip, cut, or snap, causing severe injuries. It is preferable to seek help from companies that repair garage doors in PA to receive expert recommendations on your roller replacement and maintenance.

Mind the Tracks

Inspect your garage door tracks for beaks, bends, or other forms of damage. Consider using a technician’s help when you see worn-out tracks. Such tracks may cause the doors to get stuck or fall, causing severe injuries.

It is estimated that around 7,550 Americans suffer from pinching injuries when fingers get caught between the tracks. When a heavy garage door is involved, badly pinched figures may even have to be amputated. This is particularly important for PA households where toddlers and children tend to be the primary victims of a pinching injury.

Seal It Tight

The humid continental climate of PA can become a troublemaker and compel you to take preventive maintenance steps for your garage door. Check the weather seal at the bottom for information on brittleness or wear. Use a flat pry bar to take away the old seal off a wooden door. Other types of doors have connectors and fasteners that need removing. 

Tighten the Hardware

The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) tells us that over 2000 people get crushed by garage doors every year, and only 100 are accidental. The door and track hardware can get loosened, owing to a multitude of up and down movements. 

Check if brackets are holding the door tracks firmly to a wall and ceiling. Fasteners must also anchor the garage door openers to the framing. You can use a socket wrench for tightening the loose components.

Garage door maintenance is often overlooked but must become a part of your overall routine. With a growing demand for safe garage doors in PA, professional help is available at your fingertips and lets you sail through that elegant door.

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