How to Prepare for Mural Installation

1. Clean the surface to make it clean and smooth

You will have to get rid of dust and any other thing that may make your Stars Wall Murals and Space Wallpaper | Murale Design not to stick uniformly. Sandpaper might be needed to get rid of small imperfections.

2. Ideal preparation

Apply a coat of shellac sealer B-I-N from Zinsser, which is readily available in any hardware. After application, you need to let it dry for about 1 hour. Apart from giving you an easy time to install your mural, it will also make it easier for you to remove it and reinstall it even without any additional paste.

3. Excellent preparation

An oil-based primer is one of the best to use with murals. However, after applying an oil-based primer, you have to wait for about three days for it to dry. The advantage of an oil based primer is that it makes it easy to install, remove and reinstall your mural without any additional paste. It’s also the perfect way to prepare walls with different colors for mural installation as it gives the wall the same color hence your mural will have a balanced color scheme.

4. Acceptable preparation

Latex paint should last at least for a month before it is deemed suitable for mural installation. However, when removing your mural, you are most likely to experience some resistance, but hot water should be able to solve this problem for you. Another thing you should know is that mural installed on latex-based wall paints require special wallpaper glue during reinstallation.

5. Avoid installing your mural over a latex primer

Don’t Install your mural on a freshly done latex primer. Not only will the installation process be complicated, but removing it will also be a difficult job plus high risk of your mural getting damaged.

6. Other Surfaces

Murals can also be successfully installed on glass or mirror, melamine and ceramic as long as you put two coats of oil based primer or one layer of primer-sealer B-I-N. Remember not to make the adhesives you use to install murals too dilute, or they will tend to make mural removal difficult.

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