How To Throw An Epic Bachelors Party That You Will Never Forget

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Are you lucky enough to be the groom’s best friend? Nothing feels more satisfying than being nominated as the best man. But, as awesome as it comes with – it also is jam-packed with some crazy responsibilities. 

I mean, you need to make sure your mate doesn’t lose his mind with pre-wedding jitters.

But, the biggest catch to being the best man is to plan the best darn bachelors party you can to ensure your mate has a night he will never forget! 

The good news is through this article, we will go through 5-tips to help you plan a kickass bachelor party. 

It Doesn’t Have To Be Packed With Strippers And Alcohol

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It’s crazy how over the centuries, the ideology behind bachelor parties has changed. Back in ancient times, there used to be Bachelor dinners. Where friends would gather and toast to the groom while indulging in meals and drinks. 

Back in the 1940s, we had bachelor dinners. Which was often thrown by the father of the bride to celebrate giving his daughter away, and the groom to whom she was being given. 

Then, in the 2000’s it was no longer called a bachelor dinner, but rather a bachelor party. Made infamous by being called, “A mans final night of freedom.” Where the groom was expected to get completely trashed, and fulfilling the cliche in puking at the backroom of some exotic strip club. 

The thing is… 

You should know your best mate. If this is something he would enjoy, great! However, if you know he would prefer some time having a barbecue, going to the shooting range, or doing some other adventure – you should keep this in mind when planning the party. 

Now, let’s get into our top tips to help you plan an epic party. 

Consider Everyone’s Budget

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As awesome as it could be staying up in a Las Vegas Penthouse for the weekend, living life large – you need to remember to consider everyone’s budget. 

If you do want to book a weekend away, just make sure you run it past everyone on the guest list so you can get a feel for all party-goers budgets.

Once you have decided where you want to go, you can start making sure everyone is happy with the location, and any expenses involved. 

Also, remember – this is supposed to be all about the groom. It’s the last time he can properly enjoy time with the “bros” before tying the knot. He has just spent the last couple of months stressing about how he is going to pay for all the expenses of the wedding. 

The last thing you want to do is add more stress for him about the bachelor party expenses. 

If possible, try to get everyone to chip in a little bit extra to cover the expenses for him. This will allow him to relax and enjoy the day/weekend more without any additional stress. 

Don’t Forget It’s All About The Bachelor

It’s easy to get caught up as the main planner. But, it’s important to remember that this entire event is to make sure the groom has a kickass day/weekend. 

For example, if you are considering a weekend at the casino, but the groom hates gambling, and loves camping – go camping. 

Remember, it’s the weekend for him to celebrate. You want to make sure you make sure he has a blast. I am sure one day when it’s your turn to get married he will do the same thing for you. 

Make Sure You Have The Groom Go Over The Guest List

Did you know the groom and his brother-in-law had a major fallout? That could be an awkward person to have on the guest list, right? 

The last thing you want is to invite someone who does not gel well with the group. After all, you don’t want anyone bringing down the vibe. 

Also, depending on what you plan to do – you might need to keep things small. I mean, imagine trying to fit 100 people in the guest room of an Airbnb, it wouldn’t go so well, now would it? 

The best way to go about this is to determine exactly what you want to do. This will give you an idea of how many people would be appropriate to invite. From there, you can run over the guest list, perhaps even ask the wife’s advice. Finally, when everything is ready – show the groom the guest list and make sure he is happy with everyone that you have on the list! 

Boos Are Still Boo’s

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Whoever tells you that a bachelors party does not need alcohol has never had an epic night to remember with there buddies. 

Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not saying it’s absolutely fundamental to have alcohol. But let’s face it. Nothing beats getting absolutely smashed with your friends and having an epic time that you might never remember! 

Check if there are any festivals nearby for a beer or other drinks. If you are planning to go camping, be sure to have cooler boxes topped to the brim with your mate’s favorite beverages. And of course, some tasty snacks. 

And that’s all there is to it really. Once you have figured out the where, you can determine the when, how, and who. From there, all that is left is to have an awesome time! 

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