Industries That Benefit from Automation Technology

Industries That Benefit from Automation Technology

When it comes to most manufacturing, material handling, and other industrial jobs, there’s always a place for robots. Robots can handle many tasks that are dangerous, repetitive, or require precision. Even so, not every industrial facility employs robots in their daily activities. To help spark a few ideas about how you can improve safety, productivity, and overall efficiency, here are several industries that benefit from automation technology.


Much of medicine still relies on the relationship between doctor or nurse and patient, but there are tasks that call for the added “muscle” or precision only a machine can give. Surgery has reached a new level with robots that can perform operations requiring a delicate touch where even the slightest tremor can create complications. Some hospitals even use mobile robots to deliver materials and tote trays to staff, as well as perform other scut work without risking staff or patients’ health.

Parking and Vehicle Storage

Robots for parking? Yes, robots that park cars exist, though they’re not the human-shaped androids you see in the movies. Fully automated parking has many benefits. Drivers arrive at a garage, park on a platform, then leave. The platform is then transported to a storage area where cars are individually stacked and kept in a facility that can’t be accessed by people or other vehicles. That keeps a car safe from severe weather, thieves, fender benders, and more while also helping to save space and gas.

Food Services and Restaurants

One of the biggest industries that benefit from automation technology is the food and food processing industry. Naturally, robots have long been in use in preparing, separating, and packaging foods of all kinds. This can relieve the strain of certain repetitive tasks on workers and ensure high efficiency as well. More amusingly, some restaurants have begun implementing robotic food preparers as well as servers to ensure social distancing during the pandemic.


There’s another aspect of using robots and automation in the production of food. More farms are starting to use robots to treat and turn the soil, care for crops, and harvest the yield. Automated systems can provide 24/7 monitoring of crops, checking soil pH levels, applying fertilizer, spreading pesticides, watering the plants, and more. Because these automated systems can be precisely programmed, that translates into less waste and better, healthier crops.

Naturally, there are some things that robots and automation simply can’t do. Regardless, the future is already here. Automation can lend a greater degree of control over our environment while keeping us better supplied with life’s necessities.

For more information on agricultural technology products and development read this article on dc motor diagram design.

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