Motivational Songs for Kids to Aid in Cognitive Development

What we heard at our childhood as nursery rhymes too were motivational in some sense or other. Such songs are good for the mind and soul of the kids of all age. Simple motivational songs can teach many valuable lessons of life and help boost the morale of the little ones. Researches have proved that such songs will help to conjure up some strong memories in them to be revered for the rest of the lifetime.

A song for kids can be considered motivational if there is a positive message or a life principle embedded in it. To make it a favorite to kids, the lyrics should be simple and words presented in rhythmic perfection to make it enjoyable to recite.

Kids really love the upbeat rhythm of such songs, which frees their mind and moves their body.

The school teachers also testify the fact that good music will help make the learning easy, and can create a very desirable environment for teaching. Motivational can not only boost the spirit of soldiers, but it can work the same way on kids also to get motivated. It will also help the kids to enhance the attention span, focus, improve memory, release stress, and much more.

Motivational songs and parenting

Not just for teachers, but for parents also, lyrics of songs for kids become the words of wisdom which can be used effectively to teach kids the social norms and the principles of life simply and effectively. There is no better way for a kid to learn the trials and tribulations of human life than moral stories and meaningful songs. Kids’ songs work the same way as motivation quotes work on the adults.

As of now, motivational kids’ songs are there in all genres by a wide range of artists both old and new generation. Here are a few good choices to make:

1. “Accentuate the Positive”

It was actually featured in the movie named ‘The Mighty Ducks.’ Now in the voice of Dr. John, it is a stylized version of this song. The kids will be tempted to sing along with its catchy tempo, and the words of wisdom in the lyrics by Harold Arlen will surely get into their minds.

2. “You Can Fly, You Can Fly, You Can Fly”

It’s famous is a Disney tune from Peter Pan. Even though it is an old school motivational song for kids, the lyrics and rhythm of the song is refreshing now also and may stay so forever.

3. “We Did It”

It is what Dora and friends yell on their expedition achievements in the kids’ series of Dora the Explorer.  Even though it’s a simple slogan, it has a really infectious beat, which can instantly drag the attention of even the little toddlers and tempt them to sing all along and dance.

Some other tops in the chart kid motivational songs are “Walking Tall” from Ziggy Marley, “Tomorrow” by Alicia Morton, “Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah” by James Baskett, “The Climb” from Miley Cyrus, “All Star” by Smash Mouth, “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley, etc.

Motivational Songs for Kids to Aid in Cognitive Development

What we heard at our childhood as nursery rhymes too were motivational in some sense or other. Such songs are good for the mind and soul of the kids of all age. Simple motivational songs can teach many valuable lessons of life and help boost the morale of the little ones. Researches have proved that such songs will help to conjure up some strong memories in them to be revered for the rest of the lifetime.

A song for kids can be considered motivational if there is a positive message or a life principle embedded in it. To make it a favorite to kids, the lyrics should be simple and words presented in rhythmic perfection to make it enjoyable to recite.

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Kids really love the upbeat rhythm of such songs, which frees their mind and moves their body.

The school teachers also testify the fact that good music will help make the learning easy, and can create a very desirable environment for teaching. Motivational can not only boost the spirit of soldiers, but it can work the same way on kids also to get motivated. It will also help the kids to enhance the attention span, focus, improve memory, release stress, and much more.

Motivational songs and parenting

Not just for teachers, but for parents also, lyrics of songs for kids become the words of wisdom which can be used effectively to teach kids the social norms and the principles of life simply and effectively. There is no better way for a kid to learn the trials and tribulations of human life than moral stories and meaningful songs. Kids’ songs work the same way as motivation quotes work on the adults.

As of now, motivational kids’ songs are there in all genres by a wide range of artists both old and new generation. Here are a few good choices to make:

1. “Accentuate the Positive”

It was actually featured in the movie named ‘The Mighty Ducks.’ Now in the voice of Dr. John, it is a stylized version of this song. The kids will be tempted to sing along with its catchy tempo, and the words of wisdom in the lyrics by Harold Arlen will surely get into their minds.

2. “You Can Fly, You Can Fly, You Can Fly”

It’s famous is a Disney tune from Peter Pan. Even though it is an old school motivational song for kids, the lyrics and rhythm of the song is refreshing now also and may stay so forever.

3. “We Did It”

It is what Dora and friends yell on their expedition achievements in the kids’ series of Dora the Explorer.  Even though it’s a simple slogan, it has a really infectious beat, which can instantly drag the attention of even the little toddlers and tempt them to sing all along and dance.

Some other tops in the chart kid motivational songs are “Walking Tall” from Ziggy Marley, “Tomorrow” by Alicia Morton, “Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah” by James Baskett, “The Climb” from Miley Cyrus, “All Star” by Smash Mouth, “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley, etc.

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