Natural-looking Breast Results — What’s the Secret?

Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery in the United States. There’s no one size fits all boob job, though. There are also plenty of different reasons people look into breast surgeries. Some people seek out surgery to feel better about themselves. Others want to reconstruct breasts lost to cancer. Whatever type of breast surgery people seek out, some steps should be taken to ensure the best results.

Planning Stages

People who want to have breast surgery need to carefully consider which procedure they want and why. There are so many procedures available today. A patient needs to have some idea about what they want before having a consultation. Implants filled with saline or silicone are used to increase the size of the breasts. Another procedure to augment the breasts involves fat transfer. This is for people who only want to go up in size by a little bit, and it can result in a more natural look. Some women are interested in breast reductions to ease back pain. Others want breast lifts, to restore a more youthful look after childbirth or serious weight loss.

Potential patients should consider which surgery they’re interested in. What result are they seeking? When they meet with a surgeon, does that person seem responsive to their desires? How well-reviewed are they? If they’re offering bargain-basement prices, why? Are they establishing a new practice? How much experience do they have? Where will the procedure be completed? What hospitals is the surgeon affiliated with? When considering surgery this important, it can be a very good idea to shop around. William A. Ross, MD is one of the most highly regarded breast surgeons in the Naples, Florida area. His practice is always ready to answer questions like these.

The Procedure 

Before taking on a patient, any surgeon will take an extensive medical history and perform a physical exam. Breast surgeries are long and involved procedures and people need to be healthy to cope with them. This information should include medications the patient takes and underlying medical conditions they’ve been diagnosed with. Honesty is essential. The surgeon needs to be prepared for any possible complications that may occur during the procedure. Generally, patients will need to fast before a procedure. The duration of the fast will be communicated by the doctor.

It’s a good idea to enlist a friend or family member for help on the day of the surgery. Breast surgeries are complicated, and people don’t just snap back from them. Someone needs to drive the patient home, pick up prescriptions, and monitor them for the first few hours post-surgery. After surgery, patients need to be prepared to listen. Trying to move too much, too early can have negative consequences. Typically, patients can expect to wait in a recovery room for an hour or two. Medical offices will provide detailed, printed instructions about surgeries. They also should provide a number that can be called in the event of any complications. 

The Recovery Phase 

Post-surgery, it’s important to follow all aftercare instructions as closely as possible. These instructions are designed to help patients have the best possible recovery with the fewest complications. Every surgeon wants their patients to have the best possible outcomes. Their recommendations are designed to help, not to be needlessly burdensome. The exact details will vary depending on the procedure. Some things, however, are standard post-surgery recommendations. Patients can expect to be told that rest is very important to aid in proper recovery. 

For breast implants and lifts, wearing the dressings and proper support garments as long as directed is important. Other typical instructions from the surgeon can include cleaning the incision site and using antibacterial ointment there. The specifics will depend on the doctor and the procedure. It’s important to refrain from heavy lifting in the initial recovery phase. No one wants to disturb stitches and make the recovery process longer. There will be at least one follow-up appointment with the surgeon. This allows them to remove sutures as needed, but more importantly, to ensure that everything is progressing properly.

Pain in the breasts is normal for the first week or two. Some patients will also experience temporary numbness in the breasts, areolae, and nipples. That can last up to a month and a half. Every surgery that cuts into the skin will leave a scar. Scars typically start as raised, red markings. With time, they’ll often fade to smooth white lines. There’s some evidence that using over the counter treatments like arnica gel can help heal the incision area more quickly. However, it’s important to follow the physician’s recommendation about when that’s appropriate. Careful aftercare can help reduce the appearance of scars.

There’s no real secret to having the best-looking breasts post-surgery. Like so many things in life, it all boils down to effective communication and following instructions.

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