Problem Gambling: Your Constant Support in Pennsylvania

Every online casino in Pennsylvania warns their gamblers about the possible dangers of playing, and, as a result, there are countless charity organizations and groups of support to assist gamblers who find themselves having an addiction. 

These organizations’ websites contain plenty of useful information and contacts to address in case of an emergency. So, read this page to discover all the details about the problem gambling support in the Keystone state in order to avoid any possible issues.

Reasons and Symptoms of Problem Gambling 

Problem gambling support in Pennsylvania is taken seriously, so you will always feel safe when gambling or when deciding to quit it. 

In compliance with the organizations located in Pennsylvania, there are a wide range of reasons attributed to the emergence of problem gambling. These include:

  • Biopsychosocial approach, in which the main emphasis is on the combined action of various factors;
  • The theory of family accumulation: the hereditary factor plays the leading role;
  • An approach that puts micro- and macrosocial factors in the first place, among which the peculiarities of upbringing and motivation to achieve material rather than spiritual well-being are of great importance;
  • An approach in which the main reason for the onset of gambling addiction is considered to be the personality traits and characterological properties of the individual: increased impulsivity, anxiety, demonstrative-hysterical traits.

Gambling addiction symptoms include the following:

  • Systematic participation in games, despite prevailing losses;
  • Absorption in the game, significant time spent on participating in it;
  • The value of the game becomes higher than family, moral values;
  • The presence of a state of irritability, dysphoria (painfully low mood) similar to the withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal syndrome) in the period when it is impossible to exercise or reduce play activity;
  • Personality changes of the addict (player), which are of a progressive nature.

Problem Gambling Support Organizations’ Methods in PA

Pathological addiction to gambling entails socially negative consequences for a sick person and their environment.

Gambling addiction is a behavioral disorder related to non-chemical addictions and included in the group of disorders of habits and impulses. 

It consists in frequently repeated participation in gambling, which is continuous and aggravated by social and personal maladjustment.

So, which methods can be used to treat the issue? In PA you will be able to obtain help in one of the following directions.

Gambling Addiction Treatment in PA

Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, motivational counseling are usually used. 

With the development of more severe or concomitant symptoms and conditions (psychotic states, panic reactions, depression), psychopharmacological agents can be used to relieve them: tranquilizers, sedatives, and antidepressants.


With timely treatment, the outcome of the disease is favorable in most cases, while relapses of play activity are not uncommon. 

There are also forms of gambling addiction that are part of the structure of severe mental disorders (depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar affective disorder) and difficult to correct.

Stages of Problem Gambling

Not every hobby for computers and gambling develops into gambling addiction. There are the following categories of players:

  • Situational players. Such people, in order to start playing, need appropriate external factors: the availability of free time, competition. Without them, interest in the game does not arise.
  • Occasionally playing. These people start to play from time to time, but they are able to take their minds off the game and follow the established framework.
  • Systematically playing. They are addicted to games and cannot always control the time spent on the game. However, this gives them remorse, which encourages them to stop playing.
  • Gambling addicts, or gamblers. They devote almost all their time to the game. In the absence of a real opportunity to play, they still think about the game, plan game strategies. No outstanding deeds can distract them from this.

PA Responsible Gambling Resources and Organizations

Being one of the states, where gambling is legalized, PA is a home of numerous organizations that are really able to assist gamblers in cases of gambling-related problems.

Here, we have compiled a list of the most popular organizations and resource platforms that are assisting within the Keystone state: 

Council on Compulsive Gambling of Pennsylvania

  • The Website of Council on Compulsive Gambling of Pennsylvania
  • Helpline: 1-800-848-1880
  • Address: PO Box 444 Spring House, PA 19477-0444 
  • Office Phone: 215-643-4542 
  • Josh Ercole, Executive Director Cell: 267-968-5053 
  • Email:

National Council on Problem Gambling

Gamblers Anonymous

  • Website: Gamblers Anonymous
  • International Service Office Address: 4981 Irwindale Avenue, suite 700, Irwindale, CA 91706
  • Phone: (626) 960-3500
  • Fax: (626) 960-3501
  • Email:


  • Website: Gam-Anon
  • Gam-Anon International Service Office, Inc.: PO Box 307, Massapequa Park, NY 11762 
  • Phone: 718-352-1671. 

PGCB Self-Exclusion Program

  • Website: PGCB Self-Exclusion Program
  • Address: P.O. Box 69060, Harrisburg, PA 17106-9060 
  • Phone number: (717) 346-8300
  • Email:  

Pennsylvania’s Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs

PGCB Office of Compulsive and Problem Gambling

Summing Up

Modern society is faced with a new type of addiction, which is not inferior in strength to addiction to psychotropic substances—gambling addiction. It is a type of psychological addiction and involves the need for gambling. The desire to play makes family, social, spiritual values ​​much less significant. 

Problem gambling by its nature has similar characteristics as psychological addiction to psychotropic substances. Its treatment also requires a comprehensive approach and analysis of the causes that led to the formation of gambling addiction.

Gambling addiction causes the same dire consequences as any kind of psychological dependence. If at an early stage this ailment can be cured at home, then more severe and late forms of the disease can be treated only with the help of qualified specialists. Depending on the individual characteristics of the personality, the psychotherapist develops a treatment regimen for the patient.

If you’re a resident of Pennsylvania, you will be able to obtain the help as soon as you contact one or several of the organizations we enlisted on this page.

So, gamble responsibly!

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