Safety Guidelines Every Woodworker Should Follow

Safety Guidelines Every Woodworker Should Follow

Woodworking is an exciting and gratifying way to spend your time. That said, it does require you to work with electric tools, like circular saws and woodcutters. For this reason, it’s imperative to understand some basic safety guidelines every woodworker should follow as you start exploring this hobby. Please take a moment to review some of them in this quick overview.

Minimize Distractions

Minimizing distractions is vital when working with power tools like circular saws and electric woodcutters. The less distracted you are, the less chance there is that you’ll make a mistake that results in injury.

Plus, with a sharper focus, your projects will come out looking crisper and more professional. So, before you start working, ensure your workshop is free of distractions such as loud music—or even chatty onlookers.

Wear the Proper Clothes and Safety Gear

An elementary safety guideline every woodworker should follow is ensuring that you’re appropriately dressed. You’ll be working with lots of power tools to cut large blocks of wood. Thus, it’s imperative to wear protective goggles and gloves.

Doing so will ensure that your hands and eyes are protected adequately from flying debris like sawdust. Additionally, because woodworking involves the use of loud electric saws, it’s prudent to get yourself noise-canceling earmuffs to protect your hearing.

It’s also wise to wear suitable clothing. Specifically, go for thicker tight-fitting materials. They’ll help prevent fabric snagging on your tools, reducing your risk of injury.

Don’t Use Blunt Blades or Bits

Whether you’re using hand blades or an electric saw, evaluating their sharpness before use is a cardinal rule of proper hand and tool safety. This is because dull blades and bits have to work much harder to cut through wood. As a result, they might kick back or start to bind.

This could lead to hazardous malfunctions that increase the chances of severe injury. Thus, evaluating your blades before each use is beneficial. If you notice that they’re starting to look a bit blunt, take some time to sharpen them—you’ll be glad you did.

Never Reach Over a Running Blade

This next one might seem like a common-sense rule, but it’s important to remember. Whatever you do, never ever reach over a running saw. Remember that you’re using electric tools with rapidly rotating blades.

So you must disconnect your tool from its power source before reaching over it. Moreover, ensure that the blade has come to a complete stop before proceeding. Doing this is the simplest way to prevent serious bodily harm, so keep this in mind while you work.

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