Senior Care 101: Caring for a Senior Parent From a Distance

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As time passes by, we grow older and learn how to be independent. We get to face our own problems and find ways to take care of our responsibilities. We get caught up with our own lives that we sometimes forget about our aging parents.

The sad reality is that our parents also grow older. Because of our hectic schedule, our demanding jobs and other problems we need to take care of, we often struggle to find a way to care for our elderly parents. How can you still care for an aging parent if you have lots of things in your plate and when you live hours away from home?

Here are some tips worth knowing so you can start caring for your senior parent from a distance.

Assess the current needs of your elderly parent

Before you can start helping your aging parent, you will need to assess their health and living state. Talk to their doctors to learn about their health and how much help they will require. Observe their driving skills; see if they look physically healthy and if they can still take care of themselves on their own. Ask your parent if they are looking to keep as much independence as possible. If so, looking into personal alarms might be all they require, as these allow 24/7 contact with medical professionals but don’t impose on their independence. Only after considering their needs and wishes will you be able to formulate a plan and look for ways you can still assist them while living long-distance.

Understand the different senior care options

There are different elderly care options available nowadays. Some of these are retirement homes, assisted living communities, hospice care, and home caregiving services (look for “home health care service in Pennsylvania” or similar terms for elsewhere on the Web to learn about this option in detail). Understanding what those options are will help you determine the best ways to give your elderly parents the kind of assistance they need.

Include your aging parent when choosing a senior care option

Remember that this is not about you. It is your aging parent who needs senior elderly care, not you. So, make sure to include your parent when making the decision. Of course, this doesn’t apply if your parent no longer can make the right decisions for themselves.

Set up an emergency fund

It’s best to be prepared financially in case of an emergency. For example, your senior parent may be as healthy as a horse today, but due to old age, a medical condition, or even an accident, things can change in an instant. It’s best to get them covered when it comes to their help, check out your local Medicare websites for the best health plans. Also, saving up an emergency fund can help you cope with any type of emergency that may arise in the future.

Keep in touch

You may already have a competent caregiver taking care of your aging parent while ‘you’re miles away. But that doesn’t change the fact that your parents still needs you. Thankfully, there are lots of ways on how you can communicate and keep in touch with them such as senior center software. Encourage other family members, relatives, and people close to your parents to do the same, as it can help make your parents feel loved, valued, and needed.

Good Read: 8 Ways to Stay in Touch With Aging Parents

Cope with remote caregiver guilt

Due to several reasons, we fail to take care of our parents ourselves. This creates that feeling of guilt. Learn how to accept the fact that sometimes, you can’t do it on your own. Know that you’re not alone, as others are also guilty of caregiving from a distance.

It is our responsibility to find a way to take care of our parents, even if it meant making sacrifices and asking for help. This is true, especially now that they are in their senior years. Even if you can’t take care of them yourselves, that doesn’t mean you can no longer fulfil your duty with your parents. 

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