Signs He Wants You Back But Is Scared

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There is a big chance that you have broken up with your ex. Read more about breakups in this link here. This is why you are on this page and looking for tips on what to do next. Deep in your heart, you believe that you still love each other but you are unsure of what to do. You’ve already given each other space, got advice from friends, and you’ve gone through a lot of thinking. You realize that you still want to be part of his life. You know that he also wants you to go back to his life but you are not sure if this is what he really wants to do.

When a relationship ends, in most cases, it should stay definitely stay over. But if you realized that the reasons for breaking up are not enough for you to live without each other, then getting back together can be the best option for both of you.

Your ex-boyfriend might be willing to make things work and give the relationship a second chance. After all, there’s a popular saying that love is lovelier the second time around. You might still love your ex and you are willing to give things a second shot, but you are unsure on how to proceed. Read more on what you can do about getting back together in this site:  You have to first look for signs that he is also interested in getting back to you.

Signs That Your Ex is Still Into You

1. He Still Keeps in Touch

You may receive a good morning and good night texts from him. He can’t stop himself from contacting you. He also comments on your social media accounts. You are still friends on Facebook and Twitter and he has not made any move to block you. You might even hear from him from your mutual friends. He shows your friends that he cares for you. You might have a huge chance of getting back together if your ex still wants to see you or wants to hear your voice.

2. He Spends Some Time with You

Your ex makes an effort to see you. He might invite you to lunch or dinner in your favorite restaurants. He knows that time is valuable but he wants to spend it with you. He respects your time as well by showing up on time even though he has a very busy schedule. When an ex invites you to a dinner with no ulterior motives, there’s a chance that he still enjoys your company. This can also mean that he is open to the possibility of getting back together but is shy to directly tell it to you.

3. He Is Still Single

There are a lot of possibilities on why your ex is still single. You can read more about it in this site: He might be enjoying his new-found freedom, he is miserable, or he hasn’t moved on yet. If it’s for some time and your ex has not started dating, there’s a chance that he wants you back. In his mind, it might be that there’s no one who can compare to you. If he does not have any girlfriend, it will be easier to keep in contact with him and get him back.

4. He improves Himself

Breakup is a time where both of you may find that you can do things outside of a relationship and he might have felt the same. He might have started to go to the gym which he had never done before. The reasons he might want to improve himself is to show you that he is worth keeping. He aims to change for the better. He might have started to dress better or strives to get a promotion. This one might be ambiguous as he might be doing this to attract other women. But when you notice that he does all these things that appeal to your tastes, then this can be a sign that he wants you back.

The Things to Remember

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When you decide to go back to a relationship with your ex, make sure to resolve the issues that made you break up in the first place. But before this, make sure that you are not guessing. You have to confirm that your ex really wants you back to prevent being hurt again. If you realize that your ex still wants you back but is scared to admit it, you can help him by showing subtle signs that you also want the relationship to continue.

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