After the pandemic, everyone is itching to get out and enjoy their summer with a vacation. But in our excitement, we can forget a few key tasks before traveling. Obviously, you’ll need to take care of the big items: airfare, renting a car, and finding a hotel. But what about the less obvious tasks?
We could all use a reminder on the best steps to prepare for a vacation to avoid forgetting the little things.
Stop Orders
Don’t forget to place stop orders on any daily or weekly deliveries you receive. Stop orders can include the newspaper, the mail, housecleaning services, and subscription services. If you’d like some services, such as landscaping, to continue in your absence, be sure to pay them in advance so that they don’t miss out on a payment.
Boarding Pets
You’ll need to find someone to watch or board your furry friends before you leave on vacation! Contact a local boarding facility to figure out rates; some veterinarians also board dogs and cats. Be sure to figure boarding before buying plane tickets as some facilities could be full during peak times like holiday weekends.
If you’re taking a road trip, be sure to have a mechanic check out your car a few days before you leave. This way, you have plenty of time to have them change the oil, rotate the tires, and replace the brake pads. If you’re heading to the beach with a boat or jet skit, be sure to take the steps necessary to prepare your boat for transport.
Credit Card Company
Call your credit card company before your trip to inform them of your travel plans—especially if you’re traveling outside of the country. If you don’t warn them, you run the risk of the company mistaking your activity for fraud and shutting your card off. Most companies allow you to contact them online to make this task even more manageable.
Knowing the steps to prepare for a vacation properly will ensure you get everything done and you can relax after a stressful year!