The Concept of Deer Fencing and Considerations to Make While You Plan for One

Understanding various types of deer fencing may help you to protect your backyard from these invaders. If you are not interested in switching from the arborvitae to any deer-resistant shrubs, the best use of fencing and repellents may be the best solutions to think of to deal effectively with deer problems.

It is not just all about protecting the landscape plants that you think of keeping the deer away, but they also bring in some ticks with them which may fall on to your yard. These tiny creatures may bite you and also cause allergies and some other disease conditions in human-like Lyme disease. Then you may have to use some chemical spray to kill the ticks, but that will be more or less poisoning your environment. Fencing could be an all-in-one solution to all such problems.

A good deer fencing will help with four problems as:

  • Protecting the plants and shrubs in your yard.
  • Avoiding the disease-bearing ticks from entering your space.
  • Avoid usage of toxic chemicals.
  • Keep your pets safely enclosed at your yard

Considerations before buying a deer fence

The primary things to consider while planning to install a deer fence are as below.”

Height: Deer can jump so high, may be up to 8 feet in the air. So, the fence should be high enough.

Allow for proper slack: Deer may also try to push through under the fencing, so make sure there is no gap between the ground and fence.

Proper repairs: Any damage to the barrier-type deer fencing should be attended immediately that a compromised barrier serves no purpose at all.

Consider other intruders also into consideration: Based on what type of fencing you opt for, you can keep the other pests too out.

The durability of fencing: Consider stainless steel, galvanized, and polypropylene fencing materials for a deer fence.

Include a gate: Don’t forget to install a gate also for accessing the area to be protected, which also should be made deer-proof.

Wireless deer fencing

Considering the above pros and cons of net fencing, there is also the option of considering wireless deer fence also now, which works with the principle of negative reinforcement conditioning. This technology will manipulate the instinctual behavior of the deer by establishing a negative association with the smell of the posts and the feel of a shock at their nose.

Deer usually use its nose to investigate things. When they come close to a wireless deer fence post, the scent is enticing prompt them to touch it, and then they get shocked on their nose or tongue. Smell once on getting shocked; deer may not return to that area or on getting the same smell of the post. Deer have a good memory so once if they are hurt will act as a learning experience, which they never forget. 

Even when a single deer gets shocked, this violent reaction may also startle the others nearby, and the entire herd will become cautious about that area and dare to come back to there. When compared to fencing large areas with wired fences, wireless fencing is a very cost-effective and also comfortable option, which the landowners can do as DIY without many troubles in terms of installation and maintenance.

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