Tips and Tricks for Organizing Your Home

Tips and Tricks for Organizing Your Home

It can feel nearly impossible to keep our homes comfortable and presentable with how hectic and stressful life can be. Luckily, there are some easy tips and tricks for organizing your home that you can fit into any schedule.

Take Stock of What You Have

You should slowly take an inventory of what you own whenever you find the time. Look through clothing to see what you no longer wear. Check out kitchen appliances and dishware you never use. Look for knickknacks and other items that simply take up space in your closet. Figure out what you want to sell, donate, and toss, then get rid of these extra items.

Emphasize Vertical Space

For homes and apartments without a lot of room, consider going up instead of out. Basically, you should build vertical shelving in rooms to store and display multiple items in the same space. Try to go up toward the ceiling as much as possible with shelving and place lesser-used objects on the higher planes.

Use a Closet To Store Home Office Supplies

Many people are making the transition to working from home. It can be easy for desks and work areas to accumulate clutter and extraneous objects while you’re on the job. When possible, find a closet to clear out and store receipts and office supplies that would typically take up room and distract you.

Reuse Worn Out Pool Noodles

You can use the same pool noodles you play with in the pool for handyperson projects around the house. If you find that your kids or roommates are slamming doors shut, you can cut off a six-inch piece of noodle, slice one side lengthwise, and slip it under the edge of the door. You can also take a bit of pool noodle and place it in your kitchen utensil drawer to stop your organizer from shifting around every time you open it.

Go With Portable Storage

You should store items you usually keep out of sight in containers that have wheels. These containers are easy to wheel out of closets or spare rooms and collect anything you need to put away. When you finish, you can effortlessly put them back and stack them to save space while getting rid of clutter.

Take some time to use these tips and tricks for organizing your home to help you feel more comfortable and relaxed in your living space. You’ll also improve your mood and boost your ability to focus during work and social situations.

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