Tips For Helping New Parents Get Some Sleep Again

Tips For Helping New Parents Get Some Sleep Again

If you recently had a kid, you’re likely struggling to resume a steady, satisfying sleep schedule. People might give you the age-old advice of staying away from caffeine after four o’clock and stopping the use of electronics before bed. While this is good advice, maybe it doesn’t work for you given the advent of your new family member. New parents need better tips for helping them get some sleep again after a new baby; read on to learn these tips.

Parents Should Be Swapping Nighttime Routine Duties

If you live with a partner, they should help with the nighttime routine duties with the baby. In many cases, parenting is a two-way street; both individuals must work to ensure their baby’s needs are met before heading to bed. You can speed up your parenting nighttime routine by splitting duties. For example, one parent feeds and bathes the baby, and the other changes their diaper and rocks them to sleep. If you divide nighttime routine duties, you will have a much easier time getting to bed sooner and with less stress.

You Should Sleep When the Baby Sleeps

On average, a newborn sleeps between 12 and 16 hours daily, leaving you plenty of opportunities to put your phone on Do Not Disturb and rest while your infant sleeps. Though most newborns don’t sleep through the night, they do spend most of the day sleeping. Even if you’re able to grab just a nap in the middle of the day while they’re down, this can contribute toward your restfulness.

Take Offers of Help From Family and Friends

If your family or friends offer help so you can take a break, take it! It’s okay if you feel tired; your friends and family understand. Take them up on offers to take the baby out for a walk or to visit other family members’ houses so you can catch up on sleep. Alternatively, invite friends and family to help around the house so you can take a nap and give yourself a break.

Help Yourself and the Baby Fall into a Healthy Sleep Routine

You should focus on forming better nightly habits to help you and your baby wind down when your child is about three months old. Three months is the best age because your baby is usually sleeping through the night and slightly less during the day at this age. By understanding a baby’s sleeping patterns, you help yourself get into a healthy sleep routine that accommodates and grows with theirs. Part of this is not keeping babies up when they feel drowsy. If your infant is acting fussy or refusing to be held, they’re probably tired, and you should encourage sleep when they reach this state.

Now that you know these realistic tips for new parents to get some sleep again, you have the tools to better adapt to your new lifestyle. Switch duties if you can, sleep when your baby does, accept help, and encourage a healthy sleep routine by understanding your baby’s sleeping pattern.

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