Tips for Networking at a Business Conference

Tips for Networking at a Business Conference

Some of the most valuable things you can take away from a business conference are connections. The only way to form new relationships is by networking. If you’re new to networking or want additional help, check out our tips for networking at a business conference today!

Prepare Conversation Starters

Meeting new people in a large space is challenging. You may find yourself having similar conversations or getting stuck on what to say. Luckily, you can prepare conversation starters that will help you talk to other conference attendees. Here are a few examples of great conversation starters:

  • Where are you from?
  • What interested you in this conference?
  • What has been your favorite session or speaker thus far?
  • Will you attend the (insert name) session?

Bring Current Business Cards

Bringing current business cards is a top rule for business card etiquette. Your card has information that others will use to contact you. Therefore, it’s essential to have accurate, up-to-date cards. At least a week before the conference, check your cards and ensure all their information is current. For example, if you recently changed your phone number, make sure your business card has the new number.

Set Goals for the Day

Before you attend a business conference, set some goals for the day. Ask yourself, “What do I want to get out of this conference?” For example, you may want to connect with people in your industry, find new employees, or discover new work strategies. Regardless of your intent, you should set goals to have a clear focus for the conference activities.

Attend Dinners, Parties, and Additional Meetups

Outside of the business aspect of conferences, you can make great social connections by attending different meetups. Perhaps a conference sponsor is hosting a dinner, or you plan to meet a few people for cocktails. During this time, you can make light conversation and get to know people better. Before the conference, you can find meetup opportunities and add yourself to different event lists.

New connections are some of the most valuable things you can take away from a business conference. The only way to form new relationships is by networking. If you’re attending a conference soon, feel free to refer to our tips for networking at a business conference for awesome suggestions.

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