Tips for Starting Your First Community Farmers Market

Tips for Starting Your First Community Farmers Market

Who doesn’t love going to the farmers market? From fresh fruit to delicious homemade loaves of bread, the farmers market is the perfect place to get the community outside to mingle with each other. If you’ve had this idea buzzing around your mind for a while, you should make it a reality. Follow these tips for starting your first community farmers market.

Start With an Idea

Any event you plan starts with an idea, but underneath any good idea is a purpose. You could choose anything to use as a reason to plan a farmers market—maybe it’s even to promote a friend’s business. Whatever the case may be, ensure this is something you want to pursue.

Having a purpose motivates and inspires everyone on your team. Others may even pitch in to raise funds for the local park at the farmers market. Again, this is your idea, so put a reason behind it besides “just ‘cause.”

Personalize the Market

The great thing about markets like these is they’re unique. Chicago, IL springs to mind as having a great farmers market—there’s a mushroom farm from Wisconsin that travels every year to sell their mushroom-themed products, and they’re always a hit!

If your town is known for something like having obscure vintage finds, create stalls dedicated to those strange finds. These types of vendors bring guests in from all over the area, even the state.

Add Other Amenities

Not everyone goes to a farmer’s market for fresh produce. Some go for jewelry, personalized notecards, or fun collectible pins. Farmers market vendors offer unique goods, which truly makes the event special. Cater your event to things your guests may never think of or anything that interests them.

Some farmer’s markets coordinate their event simultaneously with things like vintage car shows. As car enthusiasts and their families walk around the lot admiring beautiful classics, they’ll be able to take a break to look at the many vendors in an adjacent lot.

Choose the Location

Location is always crucial. A farmers market can take place any time of the year, but they’re most frequently held outdoors between May and late September to early October. However, as weather permits during the busier season, you may need to consider a secondary location.

If you live near an event center or school, consider hosting in their parking lot and moving indoors in case of stormy weather. Keep a backup location in mind when the time comes to transfer everyone to a drier place.

Try reaching out to potential sponsors as you learn how to plan a community farmer’s market, such as a radio station or online newspaper. They’re always looking at what’s going on in the neighborhood, so make sure to make your event known, and you’ll have a fun and successful experience.

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