Tips To Make Patients More Comfortable During a Sonogram

Tips To Make Patients More Comfortable During a Sonogram

Sonography provides images of the internal structures of a patient’s body. Sonographers help doctors diagnose conditions, understand treatment efficacy, or follow the progression of fetal development.

Sonographers must help patients feel comfortable during their exam both for the happiness of the patient and the accuracy of exam results. Use these tips to make patients more comfortable during a sonogram.

1. Have Up-To-Date Equipment

One of the most straightforward ways to increase patient comfort is to use up-to-date equipment. While there are many reasons to replace your ultrasound machine, upgrading your machine can improve your technological capabilities. When the sonogram imaging looks better and you have a faster processing speed, you can treat patients more efficiently. Improved functionality can improve the service you provide to patients and help them feel at ease.

2. Keep Verbal Communication Clear

The next tip for making patients more comfortable during a sonogram is to communicate clearly before, during, and after the sonogram. While sonographers don’t provide results to patients, communication improves all patient interactions.

Greet the patient kindly and respectfully when you introduce yourself. Let the patient know what the procedure is for and how you will complete it. Invite them to ask you questions and answer to the best of your ability, including letting them know that the radiologist or doctor will answer the more extensive questions.

3. Limit Facial Expressions and Reactions

While you want to verbally communicate clearly to the patient, you should limit your non-verbal reactions. Non-verbal communication, including your facial expressions and body posture, can send alarming signals to the patient; this can be especially challenging if you find a problem or abnormality. Limiting your expressions will prevent patient unease during the exam.

4. Attend to Physical Comfort

Finally, do your best to help the patient feel physically comfortable. Look for signs of physical discomfort and ask the patient how they feel. Let them know that they can and should speak up about any physical discomfort they have. Keep the room and equipment at a good temperature and invest in a comfortable exam table.

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