Vices: Removing the Restraints Keeping you Down

In life, there are many reasons people choose to consume drugs and alcohol. One of the first we experience is peer pressure. As time goes on, other factors may come into play such as the daily stress of professional and personal responsibilities. That said, vices don’t have the right to control a person’s life. When you remove the restraints that have been keeping you down, you can live a more fulfilled life  — one packed with joy and happiness. Here are some hints to help you get there.

Self Awareness

Right out of the gate there are some things that get in the way of cutting ties with any specific vice. The main player in the game is usually denial. Everyone wants to believe that they have their stuff together and that they don’t require assistance with their issues when, in actuality, they could really benefit from a helping hand.

When any addictive force encompasses your life, a substance abuse treatment program can be just what the doctor ordered to help you get your life back on track. They can help with the assessment of any mental health conditions that may contribute to your dependencies on drugs or alcohol. 

There are also medications available that can help reduce the need for alcohol. These are designed to either restore the chemical balance in the brain or negate the pleasantries that come along with alcohol use. These medications can help alcoholics overcome their dependency on alcohol. 

Of course, to use these tools, you need to allow yourself to be self-aware enough to admit that you have a problem and need help. Taking that first step is what will lead you to a better life.  

Starting Young

For the young initiate, alcohol and drug abuse can seem like just another fun and carefree thing to do as it is often done with friends because someone wants to seem cool. After all, what’s more, important to an adolescent than being cool in the eyes of their buddies? If that means making some poor decisions, that’s just fine and dandy, right? 

Tweens and teens are engaging in the illegal use of drugs and alcohol without thinking about the repercussions of their activities. For any parent, this should be an alarming situation because young minds should never be subjected to illegal narcotics or alcohol. Being able to help your teen avoid drug use should be a paramount effort on your part. Be the rock your child needs and get them the assistance they require to become free of their substance dependence. 

Avoiding Situations

In order to become totally free of your vice for the long haul, it might be in your best interest to avoid situations where your vice may rear its head. Addiction is a nasty reality and it’s easy to fall back into old habits when you least expect it. So, some of the best advice and strategy suggestions someone can offer to those who want to avoid addiction is to distance yourself. 

For anyone having difficulties with alcohol abuse that means they should refrain from any social activities that have beer and cocktails as the focus. Hitting the bar on a Friday or Saturday night is never great but for someone with a previous addiction. On the contrary, it can be a minefield. Remember: alcohol doesn’t have to be present for adults to have a good time. 

When it comes to drug use, this should be easier as drugs are typically used in the privacy of someone’s home. Just stay away. If that person feels that you are avoiding them, be honest with them and provide them with alternate ways to enjoy your company. Suggest activities like bowling, a dinner and a movie combo, or going to the beach are all fun activities that can be had with friends. 

Closing Thoughts

Addiction is a tough customer but it can be tamed with courage and determination. If you know anyone fighting with addiction, be there for them. Show them you care and that you are in their corner when times get rough. If you are the one with the issue, be sure to get any help you need. Look to friends, family, and professionals to get better. In the end, your health is more important than any drug or alcohol dependency. 

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