Ways To Encourage Outdoor Play in the Spring

Ways To Encourage Outdoor Play in the Spring

It’s easy for children to coup up in the house during the cold months. But when the seasons shift and things warm up again, it can feel like pulling teeth to get them back outdoors. It’s that time when there are increased amounts of sunshine and warmer air. Enjoying this fresh air can help everyone sleep better and work some energy.

If you’re having trouble, here are a few ways to encourage outdoor play in the spring that don’t involve electronics!

Indoor/Outdoor Toys

A versatile toy is an ideal gift a child can receive for a holiday or birthday. It should be something that they can use indoors or outdoors so that they can continue learning with it no matter the season. A good example is a sky rover remote-controlled toy, as it can fly in the air within the house and in the yard. Actually, your kid may prefer going outside with it because they’ll have more freedom to maneuver their toy.


There are no right or wrong ways to have a picnic, and the primary goal is going outside. Picnics are an excellent way to enjoy simply being outside instead of forcing an activity to take place. These are great for breathing in the fresh air at a park, in the yard, or on the deck.


Spring is an optimal time to initiate the year’s garden. Gardening becomes more fun with some helping hands. It can be enjoyable for little ones to help germinate seeds indoors, then take them outdoors to transplant them. This process is developmentally beneficial, as it helps show young minds how plants grow from seed to table.


Riding bicycles is a great memory maker for all family members. The kids can ride through the neighborhood, or you can make it a point to have the family go together. Finding a park, ice cream shop, or friend’s house nearby is a great way to entice children if they’re more resistant to the idea.

Go to the Local Park

A park will have more to offer than just trees and grass in most cases. So one of the best ways to encourage outdoor play in the spring is to go to the park. They can play in the jungle gym, socialize with other children, or run wild and release some energy, whether by bike or car. This might also help parents take a much-needed breather for 20 to 30 minutes.

No matter what it takes, getting your children to spend time outside is a win. The physical and mental health benefits of enjoying fresh air extend beyond what the activities offer, so don’t overthink it and bask in the sunshine together!

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