In every industry within each organization, there are risks to mitigate. Technology has added a whole other layer of risk to the business landscape. Still, as with any threats or challenges, these can be averted with proper protocol, much of which includes preventive methodologies. Learn management of the vulnerabilities after analysis completion at
When a dedicated IT expert monitors the platform, risks can be identified, assessed, and corrected before they become possible disasters for the company. There’s time to prepare and react effectively, particularly in the instance of cyber threats.
Cybercrime is growing rampant as the internet becomes increasingly necessary worldwide. That creates a significant demand for tech experts to maintain cyber security with the intention of blocking breaches.
These are the most common tech threats faced, especially by smaller companies. It’s particularly true when the business focuses on IT. Let’s look more closely at IT risk assessment as it pertains to business.
What Is An IT Risk Assessment In Business
Cybersecurity in the business landscape is imperative with the notion that:
(quote) “Companies are exposed to cyber attack attempts every 40 seconds with ransomware attacks increasing at a rate of 400% each year.” (end quote)
These sorts of threats create a significant demand for IT specialists versed in cyber security to monitor company networks, assess them for defects, threats, and damages, manage them, and make adequate repairs before a disaster can evolve.
When a tech expert performs an IT risk analysis, the focus is to recognize potential risks to the network system, data and information and determine the possible repercussions if these are realized.
IT risk assessments are to be conducted routinely, as often as once per year. Many businesses often find it very effective to utilise FRSecure Cybersecurity Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Services (or outsource to a company that is based nearer where your business is). It is also vital to assess in times when the company experiences a significant upheaval like a merger or acquisition, new technology is introduced, employees are remotely assigned, or there’s a company-wide reorganization.
There’s a vast range of reasons to implement assessments. Still, it primarily boils down to allowing leadership to see the vulnerabilities as they evolve in an effort to implement adequate safeguards in response to the risks. What are the steps in the assessment process? Let’s learn.
- Data assets need to be identified and placed in categories
The initial step when analyzing IT risks is ensuring you have your “data assets” identified in a comprehensive list. In a small company, there’s less likelihood of segregation of employees into departments.
In organizations with these separations, there will be varied roles within these departments and individual thought processes on what constitutes essential assets making it necessary to retrieve feedback from the primary leaders.
The key assets will need to be placed in categories corresponding to their importance to business strategy and degree of sensitivity. When you identify the highly sensitive data assets in their own class, you can look for the best method to safeguard them.
- Recognize the threats
Immediately upon considering a threat to security, cybercrime, or, more specifically, hackers come to mind, it’s unwise to narrow your thought process so drastically to avoid leaving yourself exposed to the other risks.
The potential for malicious interference or even the possibility of accidental interference is a relevant threat.
Often, an employee will mistakenly click a “malware link” or delete data in error. Some businesses can experience network failure based on the quality or perhaps lack thereof of the system’s hardware and data system.
A natural disaster or power outage poses almost as significant of a threat as a human. Prevention can be established with a more thorough idea of where the risks lie. Click for details on managing these risks once defined.
Image by <a href=”″>Pete Linforth</a> from <a href=”“>Pixabay</a>
- The vulnerabilities
A weakness in the network referenced in this context is a vulnerability or a process capable of creating a data security breach.
An example of a company policy that could lead to a breach would be an organization that stores sensitive client details but doesn’t encrypt this data or fails to routinely assess the encryption used for adequate functionality, creating a significant vulnerability.
Further, these deem critical vulnerabilities within an organization:
- Failure to restrict sensitive data access
- Permitting weak passwords
- Neglecting to install up-to-date security with software
The examples leave the network weak, putting your company’s most sensitive information or data at risk. It’s not always an outside threat. There’s not always a criminal at fault or a hacker with their hand in your data.
Sometimes there are weaknesses on the inside. The only way to know where you’re most vulnerable is to do the IT risk assessment routinely and then establish a plan to fix the weaknesses and develop preventives for the future.
Final Thought
An IT risk assessment aims to identify where the business is vulnerable and develop a plan to safeguard the company, recognize the threat, and be prepared with an adequate response.