What Should I Do If There’s a Warrant Out for My Arrest?

When an arrest warrant is issued, many people do not know the correct steps to follow. If you miss it or fail to appear in court or at a police station, things can get much worse for you. Below, we will look at what you should do to ensure things do not escalate further.

Talk to a Lawyer

You should get in touch with a lawyer as soon as a warrant of arrest is issued. Your lawyer will advise you on the next steps, including how to turn yourself in. They will then get in touch with the police to arrange for you to come in. Your lawyer will also arrange for a plan of release if the police do not agree to let you go after your bail hearing.

Turn Yourself In

Turning yourself in is always better than being arrested. It shows the courts that you are responsible. Turning yourself in also improves your chances of being let go if you have a bail hearing.

Before turning yourself in, ensure you note down any family members, friends, or colleagues who can act as your surety. Avoid bringing in any personal items or your car to the police station in case you are not released.

Once You Turn Yourself in or Are Arrested

The police have the power to arrest you when there is a warranty for your arrest. Once you are taken into custody, the police must allow you to leave or bring you before a justice of the peace or a judge for your bail hearing in 24 hours. This is so that there is no unreasonable delay in getting a bail hearing. Depending on the circumstances of the case and the arguments put forth in court, the judge can release you on bail, at which point you enter into a bail bond. 

Bail bonds are just an agreement that you will appear for hearings or the trial, or pay an amount of money set by the court. The bail bond is usually co-signed by a bondsman who is liable for the money if you do not appear. Bondsmen will charge a fee for assuming the responsibility of the bond.

Finding a bail bonds agency is relatively easy in most towns and cities. When choosing a bail bonds agency, it is important to ensure they charge reasonable fees. Fortunately, almost every bail bond agency has generous repayment plans.

If you are in Tallahassee, a bail bond agency we recommend is E parker Bail Bonds. They offer hassle-free bail bonds so you can secure an expedited release for yourself or a loved one. This bail bond agency posts bonds within 10 minutes even when you request the payment of a bond through the phone, but also, through their online system. Additionally, they also have an app that reminds you of your court dates, check-ins, payments dues, and directions to the court so you stay on top of everything.  

Out-Of-Town Warrants

If the warrant is issued in the town or city you do not live in and you plead guilty, the local police can arrest you and then transfer your charges to the city you live in. Optionally, you can go to the city from which the warrant was issued and turn yourself in to the police there.

If you decide to plead not guilty, the police will take you to the city where the warrant was issued if you surrender. If you do not want to surrender or if you surrender and the police do not want to transfer you, you can go to the city or town and deal with the arrest warrant there.

It is very important that you know what to do when an arrest warrant is issued for you. At a minimum, contact your lawyer and plan how to turn yourself in so things do not get a lot worse.

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