Widow Celebrates Husband’s Life with Beautiful Memories

FHPC LOGO colorby Greg Jena, Manager, Marketing & Public Relations
Family Hospice and Palliative Care

Jim was a lung cancer patient whose dying wish was to renew wedding vows with his dear wife, Jerri. With Jerri at his bedside, sons Bill and Dave in attendance and their clergyman officiating, Jim’s wish came true. He wore a boutonniere. Jerri held a beautiful bouquet. There was even wedding cake and the traditional opportunity for the groom to kiss his bride. Family Hospice Quality of Life Program Coordinator Paula Church was on hand to take pictures.

Jim, Jerri and their family viewed the photos just before Jim’s death. They act as a lasting memory of an important family event that will forever be cherished. And now, Jerri and Paula Church have taken the next step in honoring Jim’s life by creating a video that celebrates both of their wedding ceremonies – including the very photos taken at the vow renewal ceremony.

Jerri’s wish was that this video be played as a memorial tribute at Jim’s funeral. The song that accompanies the video was chosen by Jim himself.

“Family Hospice – Wedding Day” is online because it is important to Jerri to get the word out not only about her love for her husband but also for her appreciation and love of Family Hospice and the staff that cared for her husband, and supported her and her family.

The experience continues to impact Jerri and her family in bereavement, as an ongoing lifeline to the memories they all share.

The video, along with Jerri’s personal Family Hospice experience, has created a great bond. Jerri found comfort in bereavement visits and sharing her memories of her life with Jim. She has come full circle, now sewing quilts to give to others living with loss. Jerri donates the quilts to families at The Center for Compassionate Care – the same place she and Jim renewed their vows.

Watch the video: http://www.youtube.com/user/FamilyHospice#p/u/4/gQE6q07EWQw

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