Can the Country of Origin Affect How CBD is Made?

Growing cannabis at home. Young hemp plant seedling with the first true and cotileydon leaves, overhead panoramic shot with a place for text

With the popularity of cannabidiol (CBD) growing in leaps and bounds over these past few years, there are still many questions in regard to its potential medicinal value. Some claim to see positive results when utilizing CBD—however, it is worth nothing that CBD is not guaranteed to have the same results in every person who uses it. This is likely due to genetic variance between individuals, but there are also other concerns. One of the biggest concerns about CBD is about the country of origin of the product. Many consumers are wondering if the country of origin impacts how CBD is made and the quality of the final product. 

  • Origin

Many people are concerned about the origins of their CBD and how those origins impact the quality of the product. Some of the top producers include China, Canada, and the United States, but many countries around the world are getting in on the CBD market. 

The most popular CBD products in the United States right now are those that are sold online and in specialty CBD shops. Because they can be shipped directly to people all over the world, the business is prospering tremendously. 

  • Manufacturing

Can the country of origin affect how CBD is made? In a way, it can. CBD is derived from a specific type of plant that is native to South America and has since spread around the world—cannabis. There is some variation in production based on how much of the cannabis plant is utilized in the manufacturing process—this is where the actual quality of CBD and its effects on people are derived. Because CBD is relatively young in its conception and usages, there are few regulations from the government. With fewer rules to go by and no set standards, any method may be used for the extraction of the plant. This means that whatever a company wants to use to process the CBD is fair game, which may include dangerous chemicals.

Reputable brands like Foria Wellness choose to use an ethanol-based process to extract the compound and remove all the impurities of the plant while irreputable companies leave most of the impurities, which can cause serious side effects unbeknownst to users. For a better and healthier choice of CBD, ethanol extractions are said to be the best. 

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Double exposure of researchers and Cannabis tree. Researchers are researching marijuana extracts THC and CBN for medical and business use. The researcher is analyzing the medicine related innovation.
  • Soil

To truly receive the best quality CBD in any form, it is important to know how the CBD was made and where it was manufactured. Because the attributes of CBD oil and its elements depend highly on the quality of the soil the cannabis was grown in and other raw materials, it is of great concern to examine if there are any contaminants involved. When researching your CBD, always check on the product to find out where the source of materials came from or were produced. This can be found online as well. This way you can know whether your CBD is of good quality. 

If you purchase your oil or CBD supplement that is manufactured in the United States, you are going to be taking it at a slightly higher quality than supplements that are being produced in countries outside of the United States. This is true because companies that produce supplements in other countries may not be making them in the best possible conditions. They may be producing them in poor soil, or they may be putting chemicals into the plant that may have adverse effects on the product. The reason is because the United States has far more regulations and rules regarding the food and products we make compared to some other countries. 

There are not be any specific regulations that require CBD manufacturers to state about the country of origin of the product, so you won’t necessarily be able to determine where your CBD has come from just by looking at the label. When purchasing CBD, always be sure to research the company selling it and see if they disclose their manufacturing process. If they don’t, that’s a red flag, and you should probably avoid that particular brand moving forward. 


Now we come back to the question, can the country of origin affect the quality of how CBD is made? The answer is yes. Not all countries have the same rules and regulations regarding the manufacturing of CBD and other supplements, so you can’t always be guaranteed as to what you’re actually receiving in your products. If the country of origin is strict with its policies regulating soil, nutrients, ingredients, and contaminants, the CBD will be a better quality. 

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