What Are the Common Causes of Car Crashes in Queens?

Car accidents can happen anywhere, anytime, and anyone can become its victim. As per New York City accident statistics, 6457 passenger vehicles met with an accident in January 2021. Here are discussed common causes of car crashes. 

Traffic Congestion

As per the latest data, New York City ranks 4th worst state in the nation for traffic. No matter what time of the day or night you are traveling, you will always see traffic congestion on NYC roads. Traffic congestion leads to car crashes.

As per available data, a driver in NYC spends 133 hours stuck in traffic. When people get stuck in traffic for a long time, they become impatient and engage in dangerous driving behaviors that lead to car crashes.

Distracted Driving 

As per Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee report, distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents in NYC. The NY laws prohibit drivers from engaging in any activities that take away driver’s attention from the road. Some of the activities prohibited during driving are: 

  • Eating and drinking
  • Talking to passengers
  • Talking on the phone or texting 

A Queens car accident lawyer states the VTL 1225(c) and VTL 1225(d) sections of the NY law discusses the use of electronics while driving. If you are an accident victim caused due to distracted driving, you can demand compensation from the party responsible for the accident. 

Drunk Driving 

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is an offense. As per the latest data, there are around 31 million drunken driving incidents in New York State. If you were hit by a vehicle or your property was damaged in a car accident where the person was driving under the influence of alcohol, you need to contact a Queens car accident lawyer at the earliest. 

According to NY laws, if a person was caught driving under the influence of alcohol, he could be sentenced to prison. The accident victim can also claim damages and compensation for medical bills and loss of wages from the responsible party. 

Stop Signs and Red Lights 

According to the latest data, Queens, a small borough in NYC, witnessed 5,515 car accidents in March of 2019. New York has few dangerous roads and intersections where many accidents occur every month. Most accidents at intersections happen due to people running a stop sign or a red light. 

According to lawyers, people who fail to understand their reckless driving can cause injury to others, including loss of life. Many people who are always in a hurry to cross the intersections fail to understand they can kill themselves in an accident while running a red light or stop sign. 

Aggressive Driving

Reckless driving is a common problem in NYC. Hence the traffic administration has put speed limits on nine major N.Y.C roads. Despite being a small borough in NY State, Queens has earned an unfortunate distinction of the highest annual car accident injuries. 

To sum up, no matter how careful you are on the road, there is always a possibility you become an accident victim due to someone’s reckless driving or hurry to run the red light. In that case, it is your legal right to demand compensation from the party responsible for the accident, and a car accident lawyer will do everything to get you justice. 

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