What to Expect On Your First Botox Near Me Treatment

If you’ve been logging onto the internet each day and running those botox near me searches but doing nothing about it – this blog’s for you, that is – if the reason you’re not doing anything about it is because you’re worried about what the experience will be like.

In 2018 alone, over 7 million people had botox injections and whilst some people sneer at the idea, its popularity is growing year on year. As we’ll explain during this short article, the benefits very much outweigh any discomfort that you may experience.

Want to know more? Then we’ll continue.

It PROBABLY Won’t Hurt

So, you’ve got in touch with one of the companies that came up on your botox near me enquiry and you’re sitting ready for your treatment. Now, the first thing to mention is that most people find the injections nigh-on pain free, so you shouldn’t be too worried about it hurting too much.

We said PROBABLY, as people with a sensitivity to these kinds of things may experience more pronounced discomfort, but this is greatly alleviated with the use of numbing creams.

You Might Not See Much of A Difference – At First

The next thing to take into account is the fact that botox injections take a little while to work, so initially at least, you’re not going to see much of a difference – particularly if it’s your first time.

Anywhere from 2 to 8 days is when you’re likely to see changes, with the full effect being seen after about two weeks. 

Headaches, Swelling & Bruising Are Normal

The next important thing to know is that some side effects are to be expected, so if you get redness, swelling, bruising or headaches, you shouldn’t panic. These effects are temporary and will fade within a day or two.

Directly after your treatment, you may see some small reddish bumps, which should clear up within half an hour or so. If you want to minimize the chance of bruising, you should avoid using aspirin, ibuprofen for any discomfort you might be going through.

Avoiding Touching Your Face Is Important

Another important thing to remember when visiting your botox near me company, is the fact that after your treatment, you should do everything you can to avoid touching your face.

Obviously, if you’re one of the people that get a headache after botox treatment, it can be difficult not to rub your temples, but you should do your best to minimize facial contact, as massaging the treatment site can cause the injected proteins to move into areas you don’t want.

Just Be Patient & Careful & You’ll Reap the Rewards

On the day of your treatment, you should also give your regular workout a miss, as exercise or any kind of strenuous exertions can cause the botox to move. After the botox practitioner has carefully injected the proteins at precise locations, the last thing you want to do is move it around. 

Other things you should be mindful of are:

  • Your facial expressions might be restricted for a short time
  • You’ll typically need to have another treatment in 3-4 months
  • It will typically take as much as 7 years off how you look

So, rather than keep talking yourself out of getting in touch with the botox near me company that you found, why not give it a try? It’s not permanent, it hurts much less than people will admit to and it can literally take years off your face.

It’s got to be worth giving a try, right?

casciato@hotmail.com |  + posts