Adopting a dog is an exciting time for your family. Not only are you bringing a sweet and cuddly friend into the family, but you are also perhaps giving a dog who has been stuck in a shelter a new lease on life. That being said, adopting a dog isn’t something to take lightly. There is a great deal of responsibility involved and an adjustment period that everyone will be going through in the beginning.
In order to make that adjustment period as smooth as possible, it is important to have as much prepared in your home and life in general for your new best friend as possible. With the right preparations in place, you can help your new pup to adjust to his or her surroundings faster and give yourself the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you have done all that you can in order to make your dog and yourself ready for the changes to come.
With that in mind, here are three things that you should certainly have ahead of time when you are planning to adopt a new dog.
1. A Veterinarian
No matter what the circumstances surrounding the adoption of your new dog may be, you are going to want to have a veterinarian selected and informed about your new furry friend. Some people adopt from shelters that are able to maintain proper veterinary care for their animals, while others find dogs on the streets and decide to give them a home. However, every dog that is adopted should be thoroughly evaluated by a vet as soon as possible.
Furthermore, you might need to have certain vaccinations administered to your new pet. Vaccinations help protect your dog from a variety of harmful and sometimes fatal illnesses that are common among canines. Make an appointment to take your new dog to the vet as soon as you can. You can find a qualified and highly rated veterinarian at
2. A Designated Space for Your Dog
Because the transition process of being adopted can be difficult on dogs, it is important that they know that they have a space that is all their own in their new home. This will be a space that your dog can retreat to when they feel overwhelmed with the changes or that you can bring them to when you feel they need to calm down and settle in.
It is a good idea to set up such a space with at least a dog bed and toys. Many new dog owners find that having an appropriately sized crate is incredibly helpful as well.
3. A Collar and Tag
Most, if not all, family dogs are in the habit of wearing a collar. Not only does this give you some control physically when you are training and looking after your dog, but it is where your pup’s new tags will hang. It is important for your dog to wear tags at all times in case something should happen that results in the two of your getting separated.