The accurate measurement of flow seems to be extremely important in industrial settings. Accurate measurement of flow is essential for defining profit or loss and most importantly for ensuring worker and consumer safety. Flow meters play a pivotal role in the accurate and precise measurement of the specific flow rate (either volume or mass).
We understand that flow meters are actually utilized in a host of industrial applications. They are used for measuring the volumetric flow rate or the mass flow rate. Their applications are as per the type and capacity of a specific flow meter. All flow meters have their unique engineering needs and constraints. Here are some common types of flow meters, however, the list is not at all exhaustive but it talks about some of the most commonly used and well-known flow meter types.
Variable Area Flow Meter or the Rotameter
Variable Area Flow Meter or the Rotameter is supposed to be a tapered tube with a float. This is actually the most commonly used flow meter for accurate liquid and gas flow measurement thanks to its simplicity, affordability, low-pressure drop, a linear output, and wide range.
Spring & Piston Flow Meters
Piston flow meters are known to use annular orifices that have been formed by a tapered cone and a piston. The piston is strategically placed at the cone’s base with the help of a calibrated spring. We understand that the scales are based precisely on specific gravities, 1.0 precisely for water meters and 0.84 specifically for oil meters. Piston-type flow meters are known for their overall simplicity and the incredible ease with which each one of them could be equipped for transmitting electrical signals. They are surely a cheaper alternative to rotameters for accurate flow rate indication, as well as, control. You may contact reputed companies such as Smart Measurementto learn more and choose the best flow meter that caters to your unique specifications.
Mass Flow Meters
As per, “Also called inertial flow meters, these devices measurethe mass flow rate of fluids that travel through a tube. The calculations are mass of fluid traveling pass a static point per time unit. This type of flow meter is used in mass-related processes because they measure force which results from the speeding of mass.” Thermal dispersion and Coriolis flow meters help in direct and accurate fluid density measurement. These are known for their precision in both gas and liquid measurement. Coriolis flow meters usually are utilized for measuring accurately the natural gas flow. They are used in mining, power, wastewater, and pharmaceutical industries.
Thermal dispersal flow meters actually function with a slight dependence on pressure, fluid viscosity, and density. Popular applications would be including low flow measurements and effective leak testing in precise milliliters per minute.
Among some other flow meters that are widely used in various industrial applications are Ultrasonic flow meters, and Vortex meters. The Ultrasonic flow meters are widely used in several dirty applications like wastewater, slurries, and other dirty fluids that normally cause massive damage to the traditional sensors. Vortex Meters are extremely popular because of their low wear as compared to orifices or even the turbine meters. They boast of low sensitivity to actual variations in diverse process conditions. We have briefly discussed some of the commonly used industrial flow meters. You may choose any one or more of them as per your unique requirements or specifications.