Lower the Risks of a Heart Attack — Focus on Key Lifestyle Modifications


About 80 percent of premature myocardial infarctions or heart attacks can be prevented. This is good news for us all. However, if you want to avoid cardiovascular disease, you have to work for it.

It begins with a healthy lifestyle. Doctors recommend avoiding alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. If you are keen on living a long and healthy life, you will engage in regular physical activity and be mindful of what you eat as well.

Lowering the risk of heart disease

In terms of lowering the risk of heart disease, lifestyle modifications are nearly not enough. Some people have a genetic predisposition to cardiovascular disease, and for them, regular exercise and not smoking are not nearly enough.

To lower the risk for heart disease, a predisposed individual must consult with a physician about risk factors that may be controlled. A cardiology specialist in Delta is the best person to approach for advice on how to lower the risk for a heart attack.

Gender and age are beyond anyone’s capability to change, but you can lead a life without mortal fear of a heart attack if you can get your blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels within normal limits, and maintain a healthy weight.

If you have diabetes, then follow your doctor’s advice on how to maintain blood sugar to optimal levels. It helps to let go of worries, and remove stressful stimuli from your life; or manage stress appropriately at the least.

Minding your cholesterol

When blood cholesterol levels are higher than average, a person is more at risk for heart disease. The numbers can go down with dietary modifications and exercise. Medication helps those who already have fat deposits within their arteries.

When the doctor explains things to you pay special attention to “bad” cholesterol, known in the medical community as low-density lipoprotein (LDL). This is a good time to learn about lipoproteins. They carry cholesterol and triglycerides, and when they enter the artery wall, they become oxidized, which starts the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.


The deposit on the wall may rupture. When this happens, the immune system responds as usual and forms a clot. A heart attack occurs when a clot travels the circulatory system and blocks a blood vessel. A diet high in saturated fats and transfer would raise LDL.

If test results already show high LDL cholesterol with high triglyceride and low “good” cholesterol or high-density lipoprotein, then you must make it your mission to become healthier. If you just keep on eating what you want and leading a stressful life the fatty deposits in the artery walls are time bombs, and a sudden heart attack might cloud your future.

Reducing lipoproteins lowers the risk for plaques. It does make sense, and it helps to strive to lower blood cholesterol, right?

There are a number of advances in medicine expanding our understanding or risk factors for heart attacks — a fatal and common condition that may affect any average adult. If you are genetically predisposed, you must devote time and attention to lowering other risk factors — those that are under your control. Visit your doctor regularly, get health screenings, embrace lifestyle modifications, and live an active and happy life.

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